10 Discreet Sex Toys To Pack For Your Trip With An Escort
10 Discreet Sex Toys To Pack For Your Trip With An Escort When it comes to sexuality there are some really awesome ways to explore your sexual boundaries, and whether this is something that is
10 Discreet Sex Toys To Pack For Your Trip With An Escort

When it comes to sexuality there are some really awesome ways to explore your sexual boundaries, and whether this is something that is done with a hot escort or something that is done on your own, the importance of knowing yourself and making sure that you experience everything turns you on can't be understated. There are several ways to make this happen, and one of the best ways is with sex toys. There are so many different sex toys but one of the great wrinkles regarding sex toys is that many of them are not the most discreet. So, if you are trying to travel with an escort and you are looking to bring some sex toys, this can actually get really difficult. That said, making sure that you are not bringing sex toys that will have the authorities at the gate pulling you aside and asking you about the contents of your bag is something that is really important. So make sure that you take a look at this list of sex toys because you will see a bunch that can double as other things to the untrained eye when going through security.
Naturally you might be wondering why escorts would want to bring in sex toys, as if your manhood isn't enough. The truth is women know how to get themselves off better than us guys. Let's not lie here, sex toys get women turned on, and we are the ones who benefit from it. Ensuring that you have the ability to have your escort get through security with the sex toys that make your time much more fun is something that both of you should take a keen interest in for the trip's benefit.
The Discreet Vibrator Category
One of the great things about vibrators is that they come in all shapes and sizes. This means you can put a vibrator in your bag or in her bag that is pretty effective for doing the job. That said, the big massive vibrator is probably not going to work here. So creativity is a must. The good news is the people who make sex toys understand how to make discreet ones. Here are some of the most discreet vibrators that your escort can easily put in her carry on bag or her stowed luggage without it arousing the suspicion of a security person who has too much time on their hands.
Broad City In The Mood Lipstick Vibrator: This vibrator is part of a theme – you will notice that when something is disguised, it works so much better than if it is so blatantly obvious. The good news here is that this vibrator looks just like a lipstick that it will easily pass through security – in fact, you may even be able to have your escort get it on in her purse in a way that would make the plane ride a bit more entertaining. If you are looking for a sex toy that is small and discreet yet still packs a punch, this is the sex toy that will work wonders for both you and the escort who is with you. Oh! To Go Bag: When you are looking for a vibrator and more that is disguised really well, you need the Oh! To Go Bag. This bag looks like something that you would keep simple cosmetics in, and to the untrained eye, that is exactly what it looks like. However, there is so much more to it than just the bag. You need to check out everything here. First, there is the small vibrator that looks like a lipstick. Then there are the wipes. Except these are not wipes – they are clitoral stimulating gel. This gel makes it really easy to get turned on. So between the wipes and the vibrator, pretty much everything is covered. Squish: This vibrator looks like a stress ball but it functions just like a vibrator should. The good news here is that all you need to do for it to work is squeeze it and the thing will vibrate. As for being discreet, the vibrator looks pretty much like what you would expect a stress ball to look like, so you will not get many questions about it, and if you do, then you know that the person checking the bags is having some real fun at home. Mia 2 By Lelo: This vibrator also does the lipstick look alike game except that this one is different than the others because it looks like one of those elegant makeup kits that people with real money end up purchasing. It is small, black, and with the silver band around the middle it has the look and feel of a lipstick. However, if it is turned on, it is clearly not a lipstick but instead a vibrator, so with that in mind, make sure that you keep it turned off so that you do not attract any attention that you don't need.The Butt Plug Category

It seems really counterintuitive that a butt plug would be able to look discreet, but the truth is that the butt plugs on this list are quite easy to conceal, and that's a good thing. Just because you and your escort like to do butt play does not mean that it is anyone's business. Use these butt plugs to have some fun without anyone knowing what they are or why you are using them.
Mini-Motor Vibrating Butt Plug: When it comes to discreet butt plugs, it does not get much better than this item right here. The good thing about this particular butt plug is how small it is and how it resembles a Bluetooth headset. In fact, if one didn't know better, they would put it in their ear and try to make a call. That would be gross, however. So, keep this thing tucked away in your bag for safe keeping – also, keep it turned off because it vibrates – and you will have a lot of fun when you land.The Fake Jewellery Category
Want people to not pay attention to what you are bringing onto a plane? The best way to do this is with fake jewellery. The reality is that if something looks like jewellery, no one will bother it. The good news is that fake jewellery spans a whole bunch of different categories including BDSM stuff along with simple vibrators and butt plugs. The stuff will look like it can be worn – and in certain situations, it most certainly can – but at the same time will arouse absolutely no suspicion from the people who are entrusted with making sure that your stuff is legal.
Tor 2: Want to talk about genius? Have a vibrator that is designed to look like a ring. The Tor 2 looks like something you would wear on your finger and the best part is that you would indeed wear it on your finger. The way it works is you wear it on your finger during foreplay. That said, when going through the line at the airport, no one is going to notice the ring because it looks really boring as a design element. It's a solid ring with a solid colour, nothing exciting at all for anyone to see. Ora 2: This particular toy looks like either a ring or a large type of earring. The bottom line is that it is not particularly large but it is quite effective. This vibrator is designed to simulate oral sex and when you wear it like the other ring, it works quite effectively. The reality is that the Ora 2 will probably not get a lot of second looks, especially if you stash it amongst your other jewellery or other jewellery that doubles as sex toys like the rest of the items in this particular section of this list. Verge by We Vibe: This is one of the most technologically astute sex toys because you can control it from your phone. That means you can remotely get your woman stimulated – or you can remotely stimulate your escort. That said, there is great value to this sex toy because it too looks like an avant-garde ring. This is small and will easily get through security, and it is the perfect sex toy for a couple that is looking to explore their sexuality a little bit more than they otherwise would have if they did not have access to this toy and its ability to go on this trip. Simple Golden Handcuff Bangles: The bangle is one of the great bracelets and they all look kitschy and unique so when the security people see that you have these handcuff bangles, they won't think much of it. The reality is that this is quite the sex toy and perfect for the couple that loves some BDSM play. So, if you have an escort where you and her are planning some BDSM stuff, then you will absolutely love not just this toy but the next one on the list as well. Magnifique Whip Necklace: When it comes to jewellery, what looks more innocent than a gold necklace? The reality is if you want something that will not get noticed at all by anyone checking bags, this is probably the surest bet of them all. This particular whip necklace will lead to some great BDSM fun while at the same time looking perfectly innocent. In fact, your escort could easily wear this necklace and not have to deal with any accompanying embarrassment because this particular sex toy does not look at all like what it actually is, which means that Magnifique did the job unbelievably well.Hiring an Escort and Bringing Sex Toys

When you decide that you are going to spend time with an escort, there are going to be several things they talk about. The more kinky you are, obviously the sex toy conversation will come up, especially with travel. There are a multitude of things that go into travelling well, obviously and having a list of sex toys will have you very well prepared for your escort and that will be something that they appreciate. The key is to make sure that there is no clear direction that the use of sex toys will result in any exchange of money, because that would be a solicitation issue that you do not want to deal with.
When you and your escort get together to travel, there is a good reason to talk with each other about what to bring. This will help explain things away. Your escort has probably travelled with these sex toys before and if they are really kinky, has used these sex toys when travelling, which can be quite fun for you. The bottom line is the goal you have is to have fun, and there is some fun in being able to sneak sex toys through security, so having these discreet sex toys is a great way to enjoy yourself and do a little mental foreplay long before the actual action takes place. That is why it is always a good idea to keep up on sex toys and how discreet they are.
Learn More About the Escort Lifestyle on EscortRankings
A great escort knows how to have a lot of fun with the best sex toys. However, as you read EscortRankings.uk, you will find that not every place in the world is as welcoming of escorts and sex toys. Find out which places to avoid going with an escort when you go ahead and CLICK HERE!
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