10 Places To Avoid While Travelling With An Escort
10 Places To Avoid While Travelling With An Escort There are so many places in the world that offer lots of liberalism in terms of what people do with their bodies, and when it comes to sex work
10 Places To Avoid While Travelling With An Escort

There are so many places in the world that offer lots of liberalism in terms of what people do with their bodies, and when it comes to sex work such as being an escort, these places understand that it is a person's fundamental right to do what they want and how they want. Unfortunately, not every place in the world is this enlightened, in fact, there are many places in the world that if they think you are there with an escort will make your life quite miserable and odious. Travelling is fun and supposed to be quite exciting, but if you are with an escort and the discretion that the two of you enjoy is shattered, you could be in trouble in these places. Unfortunately, this means you need to take a look at a variety of different destinations. While you may like some spots and be intrigued, either the government or the society at large does not think of things in a modern way. Don't spend your time in these places if you are unsure, and it is sad because if these countries or these regions were a little more enlightened, there would be a lot they could gain.
There is some good news about knowing where to go though, it means that you are in a position to understand how you can have a good time and what sights you can see without worrying about difficulty with the law or with rogue governments. Sometimes, it is as simple as if you are a Westerner traveling to a country that is not on the most cordial relations with the EU, US, or other NATO countries, you could be in some trouble. Therefore, we have broken it down to which countries have problems with corrupt governments and others with legal issues.
Strict Legal Issues
The reality is that these countries or regions all have some issues with legality of sex work. Some places have laws that are really strict while for others there is a moral issue that can lead to some really uncomfortable situations for you and for your escort. This is the last thing either of you want, because that means the discretion that both of you seek has been shattered, so you need to be sure that you are avoiding these areas because you don't want to be in legal trouble or deal with the moral police that will wag their fingers at your behaviour.
Islamic Republic of Iran: This is a really obvious suggestion because Iran is a republic but it is clearly a theocracy. The country is run by the Ayatollah who is the highest religious authority in the country. Islam is strict about prostitution. This is a definite no-go here and that will make it quite difficult for you and your escort should you be found out. That said, if you are American, this is just a place to avoid for a host of reasons besides the implementation of Islamic Law. There is much to see and do in Iran, it's history is some of the oldest in the world, but at the end of the day, save yourself and your escort worry by avoiding this country. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia has similar laws that essentially relegate women to being second class citizens and these laws are also really strict about prostitution, and bringing an escort to this country would most definitely fall under those laws. That said, there is an idea, at least among many Americans, that Saudi Arabia is more loose with implementation of the laws than Iran. This is a blatant falsehood, and if you are caught, depending on your nationality, you could be in for a rough time, because Saudi Arabia's punishments are quite cruel and unusual. Remember, this is a country that only recently made it legal for women to drive alone. Argentina: Things get really complex in Argentina, there are some places where prostitution is legal so travelling with an escort is fine, while there are other places where the practice is illegal, which means you have to spend time dealing with the morality police and quite possibly the actual police. This is an amazing country and many of their attitudes are quite progressive, that being said, the ambiguity that is found in this country can make it really hard to get a secure footing, so it's best to stay away. Indonesia: If there is a country that has more draconian penalties for crimes of moral turpitude than Indonesia, you'd be hard pressed to find it. This is a country that does justice in its own way – while some areas may be progressive, most really are not. Indonesian judges will take the law into their own hands quite often and will impose penalties that would otherwise be considered cruel and unusual. This country does not have consistency in any of its legal applications, so if you are going to head to Indonesia, it is best not to do so with an escort. United States of America: This gets really complex because the United States is a country that has a lot of progressive ideas in it while only the state of Nevada has legalized prostitution in recognized brothels. That being said, in the United States, the penalties for solicitation are not really that severe, and most have to do with public shame. This is basically how it works in the US – the shame is public but the criminal liability in terms of sentencing is not really too bad. That said, you can travel to some areas with an escort and not worry – think New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and there are other areas you should steer clear of. One of these regions is known as the Bible Belt. Most of it is located in the American South. And if you want a place that gets really wild and complex, there is Florida. In Miami, people wouldn't give you much problems, but go to northern Florida, and the crimes of moral turpitude are very much enforced.Corrupt Governments

The following countries are places where it does not really matter if prostitution is legal or illegal, their governments are more concerned with the projection of power and using their legal system to extract something from other countries. These countries are notorious bad actors around the world, and their governments are corrupt, but more than that, they are powerful. You should avoid these countries with an escort because while they don't care much about prostitution, they do care about realpolitik, and if that means parading you in front of cameras and using you as an object of shame, they are not above these acts.
People's Republic of China: This is really rough because there are so many great things to see in China. However, the Chinese government has no qualms about using people for their own political gain. In China, prostitution is illegal but the reality is the Chinese government is not too interested in enforcing this law. However, if you are heading to China with an escort and the government figures it out, they can just arrest you. No warrants or any civil protections like that apply. And the Chinese government knows how to do horse trading and does not care who it hurts. Russia: The Russian government had real grievances with NATO, so if you head into Russia with an escort, and they figure it out, it doesn't matter how illegal prostitution is in Russia, you will be subject to the justice of Vladimir Putin. This is not a place you want to be, because NATO countries have a special place of enmity with the Russian strongman. If you travel to this country and you are with an escort, prepare for trouble because the truth is that Putin knows everything that goes on there. It might seem paranoid, but the reality is that Russia has a long history of corruption under Putin, so don't put anything past this government. Turkey: In one of the biggest crackdowns in recent history, the Turkish government arrested a ton of dissenters on some made up charges and has them locked in jail. In 2017, the President of Turkey was in the United States and instructed his bodyguards to assault American citizens protesting him – in the capital city of Washington, DC. The bottom line, if you go to Turkey, don't expect that you will be safe and secure if you are with an escort. If it serves the Turkish government's interests to use you as a bargaining chip, they have no qualms about doing so. Egypt: The Egyptian government took power basically because they did not like the guy who was in power, and the military dictatorship has since jailed people just because they did not like what they were saying. The rule of law is not a part of the Egyptian ethos under the current government. While prostitution is illegal in Egypt, the reality is the illegality of it is used as a way to keep the population in line instead of an actual enforcement of a crime. Don't head to Egypt with an escort. Philippines: In this country, criminals are subject to extrajudicial execution all in the name of law and order. Except this is lawlessness and disorder. The problem becomes that the Philippines is run by a President that has no adherence to the rule of law, and while prostitution is illegal in the Philippines, there is absolutely no guarantee that if you were arrested, that your case would be handled in a proper legal way in accordance with their laws. This is one of the more corrupt governments, and if the ire of the Filipino President is sparked, bad things will happen, especially if you are from a country that has rubbed him the wrong way.Countries to Spend Time in with an Escort

The reality is that spending time with an escort in any of these countries is something that you really don't want to do, and a good escort service will not let their escorts head to these places. That means you need to travel to countries that are progressive about escorts. The good news is that this means most of Europe. There is so much to see in these countries, and it would be wise to visit these countries with escorts instead of trying to do something more exotic. The reality is that this list is fluid and could always change.
Travelling with an escort is something that can be a lot of fun, so if you are travelling to countries that are find with prostitution, then your time with an escort is going to be a lot of fun. Some countries do have ambiguous laws which is annoying, but if you want to learn the laws then you would be fine. Make sure that you are talking frankly with the escort service about where you want to go, because that will help you make the best possible plans for travelling with an escort. The best advice is always to go to places where you don't have to worry about getting in trouble with the authorities for what you are doing, even though the laws are antiquated.
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