For Men

Aromatherapy for men with pets - by Escort Kay The Light Bringer To The World

Drinking Water for MenDrinking water makes every man sexier and healthier than drinking caffeine, sugar, chemicals, and alcohol. But why is drinking water hell for a lot of men? There should be no surprise as so much confusing information exists on this topic. I want my articles to be reliable and

Drinking Water for Men

Drinking water makes every man sexier and healthier than drinking caffeine, sugar, chemicals, and alcohol. But why is drinking water hell for a lot of men? There should be no surprise as so much confusing information exists on this topic. I want my articles to be reliable and therefore valuable sources of sensible information which convince even the strongest skeptics. I therefore share knowledge from the first science of life from which many other sciences were born and which has accompanied humanity for millennia. I like reliable, I give reliable. So…

Why is drinking water such hell?


Because the information about how to drink what not only confuses, but changes very quickly to add an insult to injury! Several cups of coffee a day and alcohol after dinner will never hydrate the body. Society encourages profit. People think that they will get energy from those drinks because they stimulate.

Another reason is that people have little time and so willingly suppress biological needs. Many people eventually incorrectly interpret or stop noticing them. They think that they're hungry when they're thirsty. It would only take a glass of water, herbal juice or tea, and they would be fine. All this will not be an issue if one drinks correctly.

Why do many men not like drinking water?

I wrote all that in another article and won't repeat it here to save you time.

Western scientists and health experts, many of whom have interests in promoting the drinks industry, postulate that one should drink x litres of water a day. Even the number of litres changes with the trend! Ancient medical teachings have stated for millennia that one should drink when thirsty. Because if we are not thirsty and drink the liters a day that western scientists propose, we will weaken the digestive fire. Weak digestive fire impairs digestion. When we don't digest food well, toxins form. Toxins are the source of all disease. Strong digestive fire is the source of health.

What about men who will not drink water even when thirsty?

That is dangerous. They probably won't notice signs of dehydration because they do not realise that they don't drink even one glass of water all day after day! Another thing is that at first their temperature will only mildly rise. And then because many people suppress or ignore signs from the body! Gradually and proportionally to the loss of liquids in the body energy (and productivity) will go down and one will feel more tired. Unfortunately tired. Not dehydrated.

Many men perk up with strong coffee. Caffeine drains the kidneys, stimulates urination, and so dehydrates even more! That is why drinking drinks with caffeine is bad. But if you really must drink coffee, put powder from cardamom seeds into it. The coffee won't have the bad effect. And remind yourself that coffee is a habit…

A man used to drinking very little water won't realize that his problems are connected only to hydration. Even 1% dehydration shows in lower productivity, energy, and satisfaction. This will happen if the body lacks less than a liter of water. Thirst will appear only after the level of dehydration oversteps 2%. When you're thirsty, drink water. Not caffeine or chemical drinks. Do not eat instead of drinking.

Not drinking enough water can cause:

  • tiredness, dry mouth, aching head, being dizzy
  • being irritable, lethargic, sluggish
  • lower productivity and energy
  • higher blood pressure, cramps 
  • being morose, grumpy, weak, annoyed
  • slow reactions
  • effort to get an orgasm
  • little seminal fluid.

If you are familiar with any of these states, train yourself to think that they might be due to not drinking enough water. And that if you drank more water, you'd have less/fewer or none of this/these state(s). If a man drinks a cup of coffee in the morning, several signs of dehydration can visit him before lunch. On hot summer days higher blood pressure + thirst can contribute to troubles with the heart. If one gets easily irritated an hour after lunch, it could be due to low blood sugar and dehydration. Bad moods or being angry will now be easy to explain from a different point of view.

Long-term dehydration is harder to notice.

Drinking little or no water over the long term

  • slows down metabolism = weakens the digestive fire
  • may damage the kidneys and liver
  • forms kidney stones
  • makes the skin, hair, nails worse
  • brings on constipation
  • makes concentration impossible because you can't hold pictures in the imagination still. [Most people with learning difficulties are dehydrated.]
  • alcohol, drugs, nicotine, caffeine, preservatives, E numbers, food colouring, and sugar dehydrate and deprive the body of energy, vitamins, minerals, and libido! Coffee is bad to drink in the morning. The best time to drink it if you must is in the afternoon. 

Why not to drink gallons of water either

Because drinking too much water also weakens the digestive fire . When the digestive fire is weak, it does not properly cook the food we eat. Uncooked particles lodge in the arteries and intestines. And from them forms a thick viscous terribly smelling yellow liquid called ama – toxins. Ama is the source of all disease.

Plus, if you drink litres and litres of water just because you hear that you should everywhere – and especially from drinks companies, the body won't absorb all that water anyway, and urinate it out. As the body won't absorb all that water, you won't be hydrated any more than you would be if you drank only when you're thirsty. So what's the point?

A more serious reason why you shouldn't drink gallons of water is that if you do, you can easily confuse hunger with thirst. When we confuse the body with eating when thirsty and especially drinking when hungry, it leads to disease. So never drink when hungry – again because you would weaken the digestive fire, and never eat when thirsty because you would dehydrate the system and the belly would find cooking – digesting – the food more difficult.

How much should men drink?

I wrote that in this article and won't repeat it here to save you time. Recommending drinking x liters of water a day will be vague for people who don't have the patience with measuring and numbers. What I recommend in the other article is reliable and measurable. Of course, drink more water in high heat and during intense physical activity. A small man will need a different amount from a man of 160kg.

Won't be able to urinate for some time?

A correctly hydrated body passes water roughly an hour and a half after drinking it. If you must go to an event during which you won't be able to urinate, drink 1.5 to 2 hours before its beginning. And sip water during the event if the nature of the event allows you to do so and you become thirsty.

What will be your next drink? And if you have questions about health, The Light Bringer is here to bring light on them.

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The Light Bringer To The World 


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