For Men

Benefits of Massage That People Don't Write About

Benefits of Massage That People Don't Write AboutThe well known and therefore the most obvious benefits of massage are copiously available online. But I write about the hidden - and equally valuable. Here are 4 such benefits of a well done massage:Massage is an excellent tool for grounding.  Grounding is being down to

Benefits of Massage That People Don't Write About

The well known and therefore the most obvious benefits of massage are copiously available online. But I write about the hidden - and equally valuable. Here are 4 such benefits of a well done massage:

Massage is an excellent tool for grounding.  Grounding is being down to earth. Humans are land creatures, therefore work best when they are connected to the earth - grounded. You definitely know the feeling of being ungrounded. It's when you have a million things rushing through the head at once. Move focus to the belly, and the rush will go away. Move focus to the feet and into the ground, and you will be even calmer and more stable. Grounding is natural. People who do sports find grounding inevitable, but they may use different names for it. 

Massage is touch. Touch is very grounding. That explains why many people fall asleep or relax into a deep trance during a good massage. When we're ungrounded, we are scatty, disorganized, fidgety, unsettled, uncomfortable. We can't make ourselves do anything and then feel guilty for wasting precious time. But we can't do anything about it either. Some people look for stability in comfort eating, others in drinking a lot of coffee or alcohol, smoking one after another, biting nails, drugs, or other ways to escape. Of course, all these things have consequences on all aspects of life. Regular massage will reliably ground you and be a relaxing escape to look forward to. And it has only good consequences!

Benefits of massage for gray hair and baldness 

When the scalp gets tense from stress, the blood does not freely circulate and bring nutrients into the roots of hair.  Regular head massage loosens the scalp and the blood will bring nutrients into the hair roots. This prevents the hair from losing moisture and turning gray – or prematurely falling out. So regular head massage is also excellent for delaying baldness and healthy hair. 

Benefits of massage for allergies 

Regular massage with the right essential oils can prevent allergic reactions such as hay fever because the oils absorb into the blood and counteract the allergic response. Of course, allergies are the result of eating foods unsuitable for one's dosha. Hence it is well worth finding out your dosha. When you know your dosha, you will know what foods are suitable and not suitable for you.  I can help you.

Benefits of massage for good sex

Regular massage can be a major factor in improving the quality of your sex. A lot of energy gets trapped in the reproductive organs. Massage releases the trapped energy and improves circulation. Certain essential and Ayurvedic oils strengthen the reproductive organs and make them function better. What a side effect! I can also teach any man a massage that restores erectile function! 

Massage has even more benefits

about which I wrote and will write in other articles. If you, dear male reader, would like me to massage you, I invite you to start a conversation.

The Light Bringer To The World 

Now in and visiting globally on request from London UK until 1 December 2024

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