For Men

How Can Drinking Water Make a Man Sexier?

I described in my other article on this subject why drinking water is important for health, success, good sex, and why so many men don't drink water correctly or at all. Of course the first question is how to drink water correctly. And the second question is why exactly this article should have the correct answers.

I described in my other article on this subject why drinking water is important for health, success, good sex, and why so many men don't drink water correctly or at all. Of course the first question is how to drink water correctly. And the second question is why exactly this article should have the correct answers. Because the answers in exactly this article make solid common sense and have roots in the first medical science that has accompanied civilisations for thousands of years and is becoming popular in the West again, especially with the younger generations. 

Chemical drinks will never be water

Manufacturers of sweet drinks would like us to regularly buy them. Nothing else interests them. And if many of us were to manufacture a soft drink, many of us would also want profit and care about whether the drink is good and convenient (long shelf life etc.] rather than healthy. Makers want their drinks to be irresistible and people to crave more of them. The drinks must thus be attractive to the eye and sweet to be addictive. That makes them nutritionally dangerous. All sweet drinks have two things in common:

  • they're addictive
  • they make fat, dehydrate, and deplete, not nourish.

If you want nourishment, do not drink them at all. Replace them with still mineral water or tap water if you are where tap water is safe to drink. You can also filter tap water for peace of mind if nothing else. You can add artificial sweeteners (that have few calories) for taste. But it's also better not to do that because the word artificial suggests chemicals. Secondly, craving the sweet taste is a matter of habit just like drinking tasteless water.

Learn to drink water

Many men spend a lot of energy on protesting that they can't drink water for this or that reason, or because it tastes terribly. They will logically protest if they're used to drinks full of sugar, chemicals, caffeine, or alcohol! Instead of defying channel energy into finding a way to replace caffeine, alcohol, and sugary chemical drinks with water. Because what you put into your body becomes your health or disease and sexual dysfunction. You won't enjoy drinking water at first, but the mind will get through it. You can add drops of lemonlime, or mint leaves into water for taste at least at the beginning. Or try herbal teas. They contain little caffeine, have flavour, heal, can be drunk warm or cold, and can be sweetened to taste with jaggery, coconut sugar, or brown sugar. Your taste will change over time and you won't crave chemical drinks.

Another frequent reason why men don't want to drink water is that they would often urinate. This would be true if they drank more water than their bodies need, but they will urinate even more from caffeinated, chemical, and alcoholic drinks! These men need to decide whether they want long-term health, younger appearance, sexappeal, and sexual function or long-term illness. Think through the pros and cons and decide what you want against your age going only up.

Drinking water instead of chemical drinks will keep the stomach fuller. You won't crave sweet and salty foods unless the body is deficient in sugar or salt. A well hydrated person simply isn't very hungry and will be satiated by smaller portions of food. The body will adjust to the new program and ask for water instead of chemical drinks. That will be a litmus test that you do the right thing. And the frequency of urination will also correct itself over time.

Drink water as a habit

Many men quickly object to drinking water. But objecting won't make them fit, have more energy, and sexier. If you are used to chemical drinks, of course you won't like tasteless water. But do you want health, your greatest wealth, good sex, and high quality of life while you will get only older? 

Drinking tasteless water is a habit. Some readers may now protest that they won't give up their favourite drinks, or that they must have water sparkling. That is another matter of habit. These readers are psychologically addicted to sparkling water and addicted consumers is what manufacturers want. The gas in sparkling water is bad for the body. The sooner you throw sweet, sparkling, and ideally even alcoholic drinks out of life, the sooner you'll see that it is easily possible to drink water. And that after some time you won't miss sweet or sparkling drinks at all.

Especially at the beginning it's understandable that you won't want to drink water often. The easiest start is taking one sip after every 2 mouthfuls of solid meals. This way you (and any man) will partially overcome the tasteless nature of water. If you like the taste of herbal teas, you can drink them when thirsty between meals – and enjoy the wide variety of their flavours. If you think that you don't like herbal teas, you might say that you don't like them, but have never tried them because drinking them is not the cultural norm in the English speaking world. Drinking herbal teas will be a cultural norm in many other countries. So try the first cup of one of a flavour that sounds good to you. You can add jaggery or brown sugar and a few drops of juice of the fruit of ideally lime.

How to drink water correctly?

  • Drink water between meals only when you are thirsty. Don't abuse natural urges. Don't drink gallons of water because you hear that drinking gallons of water is good. It is not good. One can even be "poisoned" by drinking gallons of water. Listen to your body.
  • A glass of warm water after getting up activates the internal organs and flushes the kidneys.
  • One sip of lukewarm water after every 2 mouthfuls of solid food helps digestion.
  • And a glass of warm cow's milk blended with 5 whole soaked almonds, 2 dates, and a pinch of cardamom powder before sleep induces sleep and nourishes the body.
  • Do not drink when you're hungry, and do not eat when you're thirsty.

Never drink ice cold water because it is heavy on the stomach, shocks the system, weakens the digestive fire, and thus impairs digestion. Especially obese people usually hate warm water, but warm water is exactly what they should drink to keep the digestive fire strong to digest and absorb food. As warm water is light on the stomach, it is easy to drink. Try it! A wonderful drink for burning fat and curing emotional hunger is a glass of warm water with 10 drops of lime juice and a teaspoon of honey.

Is drinking water more easily said than done?

Satisfy your biological needs first. Only then can you satisfy the world. Old habits can die just as easily as new habits can arise when you believe that the new habits will be right for you. If drinking water instead of caffeine, chemicals, or alcohol isn't your habit, this article can be the turning point if it makes sense to you. Old dogs do learn new tricks. If you keep alimenting your body with chemical drinks, how will the body serve you in 20 years while your age will go only up? Of course, not everyone can build new habits alone! But there's help, and you can have all the holistic help from one person!


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