How To Keep Your Number From Being Blocked By Escorts
How To Keep Your Number From Being Blocked By Escorts If you are trying to make a date with an escort, one of the biggest issues that can stand in the way is if the escorts are
How To Keep Your Number From Being Blocked By Escorts

If you are trying to make a date with an escort, one of the biggest issues that can stand in the way is if the escorts are not getting your calls. There are a bunch of reasons that this can happen, but if your number is blocked, then it is clear that what you are looking for is not going to happen. There are plenty of reasons that escorts and escort services would block your number, and many times these reasons are valid. The goal is making sure that your number is not blocked, but if you are on the wrong end of a block and you didn't do anything to earn the block, it is critical to get your number unblocked so that escorts can avail themselves of your business.
As you go down the road for getting escorts, make sure that you are doing the right things. Often numbers get blocked due to an abundance of caution, and because of the dodgy legal nature of the escort business means that escorts have to exercise an abundance of caution otherwise they can get in a lot of trouble. If your phone number is blocked by escorts, that is a problem. EscortRankings will help you avoid that indignity so you can make the dates you wish for.
Why Escorts Would Block Your Number
There are several types of bad behaviour that will ensure that your number will get blocked by an escort and their services. Most of the time, this behaviour has to do with some stupid things that men will do when spending time with an escort. As Amsterdam is the most famous place where escorts work, it is very interesting to examine the things that cause these sex workers in the most famous place for sex work in the world to block the numbers of people who would otherwise be willing to pay for sex.
The first is when the escort is expecting payment and you are messing around with payment. There are several problems here. The first is from a business point of view, the goal is to make sure that you are entering into a good faith agreement, and when you stiff the escort on money after they have had sex with you on the basis of the agreement, that is a pretty messed up thing to do. Think about your business – would you want to be in a position where you are rendering a service and then the customer decides not to pay you or gets cute with the payment.
The next thing regarding payment that can get your number blocked is if you are being coy about payment. This one is really simple – if you make an agreement, stick to it. Don't try to renegotiate the terms of the agreement when the escort is there or try to get something for nothing. This is bad business and in turn will make sure that the escort will not want to spend time with you ever again. Furthermore, what may happen is the escort could have an attuned radar for police and if you are trying to pull a fast one with the escort, then she may think you are a cop, and not only will your number get blocked by her, but in the escort community, everyone will be sure to block your number.
Messing around with payment is just bad in all forms, so be sure that you are on the up and up with payment, and in turn that will get you a more pleasurable experience and the escort will be ready to spend more time with you in the future as you are a person of your word.
Another thing that is really awful and would cause you to get your number blocked is if you try to slip off a condom while you are in the middle of sex with an escort. The biggest thing for escorts is keeping themselves free of any sexually transmitted diseases. Also, the last thing any escort wants is to get pregnant. While many escorts are on birth control, the reality is that there is always a chance during sex of a pregnancy, and condoms are one of the best ways to avoid getting pregnant. Therefore, it is exceedingly wise to keep the rubber on and not deal with any bad consequences.
In fact, if an escort notices you trying to slip off the condom, many will end the session right there and demand full payment. And, let's be honest, they would deserve it. These are two really big things that will get your number blocked, so it is very important that you avoid this behaviour so that your escort experience is a good one and not one that ends in acrimony and hurt feelings.
Disrespect Leading to Blocked Numbers

One thing that many guys fail to remember when they are dealing with escorts is that they are not special and escorts have no shortage of guys that they can choose to be with. The reality is that they don't need to choose you, so if you are being a pain in the ass or you are being disrespectful, then you can definitely expect that the escort and the escort service will waste no time in making sure that your number is blocked. Just because you may think that you are charming does not mean that you are actually that great of a guy to be around. The thing to remember is that you are just a customer and with a business like being a sex worker, there is no reason for them to put up with nonsense.
So, naturally, you may be asking what type of behaviour will get your number blocked? The first type of behaviour that will get your number blocked is obviously abuse of any kind. Now, if you end up physically assaulting an escort, that could be a lot of trouble and depending on the service, the least of your worries could be your number getting blocked. That said, verbal abuse is something that escorts don't need to put up with. If you are going to be rude, loud, or a lout in general, the escorts are going to block your number because they don't need someone berating them while they are providing a physical service for them. Now, if it is BDSM and there are some other things going on, that is a different story, obviously, but if you are rude, expect that your number is going to end up being blocked.
Another reason that escorts will block your number – and this also has to do with respect – is if you can't follow instructions. The best thing about seeing escorts is the ability of the escorts to keep the encounter discreet. This works for both you and them. If you are given specific instructions about where to go, what to do, and how to do it, follow it to the letter. There is nothing that gets people who value privacy more upset than you not doing what they ask. If an escort tells you to come to a certain door and knock three times, do exactly that. Don't go to the door and ring a buzzer instead or call the escort from the door. Do exactly what they tell you as they are protecting themselves and in turn protecting your privacy as well.
Another thing that should not need to be said but will be said is if you show up and you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the escort will most likely leave as that is an unsafe situation for them. Don't show up drunk or high, it is not a good look. This is something that will get your number blocked immediately – and for good reason. Escorts don't need people who are not in control of themselves to jeopardize their livelihoods. This is why you should always show respect to the escort, and respect starts with how you conduct yourself in these sensitive situations where privacy is something that is zealously guarded.
Providing Factual Personal Information
Because escort services are largely operating in a murky area of the law, the thing to remember is that they are really keen on guarding their privacy. This means that you need to follow instructions and give them the information they want, otherwise what will happen is your number will be blocked. The reality is that by agreeing to provide services, escorts are putting themselves in legal jeopardy. They don't know you, and they do not know that you are not a cop. Therefore, escorts and escort services are keen to learn as much about you that is reasonable and proper. If you provide this information then you are showing them that you have just as much skin in the game as they do.
The thing that will set of the bells and whistles of escorts quickly is if you are shifty and evasive. A great example of this type of behaviour is if you call up an escort and you are excessively specific about what you want to do but when the escort or the service asks you for information, you start getting evasive and not wanting to give up all your information. Even if you are innocently protecting your identity, this behaviour rightly raises red flags, so you need to be diligent about what you are doing because the last thing you want to do is get on the wrong side of the blocked number. And in these types of cases, no one can blame the escorts for blocking your number.
Other Tips to Avoid the Blocked Number

There are a lot of great things about escorts and perhaps the best thing that you can get from the experience is the fun of it. Sometimes, this level of fun can be really intoxicating – for example, when you are first in a relationship with a woman, you spent so much time thinking about her and wanting to be with her that what ends up happening is you obsess over her. This is not the right type of behaviour and if you are obsessing over an escort, that definitely raises red flags and what will happen is they will block your number and probably spread the information out there to other escorts to block your number as well. It is imperative that you remain under control.
What does that mean though – to obsess and not be under control? Well, the first thing is if you are excessively calling or messaging the escort. This is something that they are not really keen on because the nature of escorting is impersonal – it is a job. The next thing is if you are with an escort and you keep trying to have her stay with you past the time. This is behaviour that makes it seem like you are developing a crush on the escort, and that is something no escort wants to deal with. This is why it is critical to understand that escorting is a business for these women and you are a customer that is availing yourself of their services. While they are incredibly charming and beautiful, the reality is that these women are there to do business, just as you are, so if you are going to be obsessed, get a girlfriend, because the escort life is not the life that will lead to happiness for you.
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Keeping your number from being blocked is all about showing the proper respect to escorts before, during, and after the dates. With your number not blocked, you'll see the reality of the escort lifestyle. CLICK HERE to see the difference between the fantasy and the reality.
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