How To Prepare For Your Date With An Escort?
How to Prepare For Your Date With An Escort? They say there is never a second chance to make a first impression, and just because you are paying to spend time with an escort does not mean you
How to Prepare For Your Date With An Escort?

They say there is never a second chance to make a first impression, and just because you are paying to spend time with an escort does not mean you should ever eschew the chance to make the right impression upon a beautiful escort who is planning to spend time with you. Frankly, it is disrespectful to the escort if you just show up and you don't have anything going on correctly. There are a lot of things that will make the night great, but the key to making the night really memorable is going all the way with making the right first impression.
Fortunately, making a good first impression is not too difficult. If you control the basics of making a good first impression, then what will happen is you can set the tone from the beginning of the night as to whether the night will be enjoyable or whether the escort will be going through the motions. If you do what you need to do, then just doing the basic preparation will go a long way towards making sure that your date is absolutely worth the money that you put down for the evening with this beautiful woman. Going on a date with an escort requires you to be prepared. EscortRankings has some advice on how to properly be ready for an amazing night with an escort.
Preparation Starts with Hygiene
One of the biggest complaints that escorts have about their dates is the lack of hygiene. Now, the goal is not to give a lecture on how to wash, but there are a few things that you can do in order to give off the impression that you are a hygienic, healthy person. The first is when you shower, make sure that you are finished with the shower about an hour before you leave for the date. This means that your hair will be dry by the time you pick her up but your body will still have the freshly showered sheen on it. There is a trick to making sure that she knows that you have showered though – use scented shampoos and body washes. Now, of course, keep your masculinity in tact by using the good stuff, but the key is you don't want to over do it. If you have cologne, wear a little bit of it so that you will look the part and smell the part and that will show her how seriously you take hygiene – which is important if sex is on the agenda.
There is more to hygiene than just making sure that you are looking and smelling good. You need to be clean and neat. An example of this is if you are someone who manscapes, make sure that you do this ahead of time and that if you do miss and nick something, it has some time to heal before you are spending time with the escort. The other thing to think about are your hands and feet. You should have short nails on both your fingers and your toes. Nails that are a little long can be a problem and you could end up scratching the escort, which will ruin the fun that the two of you are having. Also, with your feet, make sure that you use a pumice stone on them to get rid of any calluses. A lot of women look at different parts of the guy and notice things, and feet that are covered in calluses are certainly one of those things.
Other things to consider are your facial hair. Make sure that you are in the right space with your shaving. Also, as guys age we obviously get hair in the strangest of places. Make sure to clip any nose hair and ear hair – both are very unattractive. Also, make sure that you don't have a unibrow going on either, it's another bad sign for the escort. Finally, your hair – if you have the messy hair look, that's one thing, but if your hair is a mess, that will be wildly unattractive. And don't think that just because you may have short hair that you don't need to worry about style. This could not be further from the truth. The reality is that short hair can look really odd if you don't take care of it. Make sure that you are washing it and conditioning it. Don't just head to a date with an escort where you are having your hair go in several different directions. Just as you would take care of your hygiene for a real date, don't let it slip just because you are with an escort and you are paying for her time. In fact, escorts often mention that the best thing for them that gets them wanting to do more things is when a guy has clearly taken care of his personal hygiene.
Preparing Yourself for Escort Etiquette

While there is no denying that spending time with an escort is all about sex, there are a few things that you need to be aware of before you head out on a date with an escort. Like with any business transaction – and remember, at its core, hiring an escort is a business transaction – there are several acts of etiquette you must be aware of as you spend time with the escort. Understanding this etiquette is the best way to have a great time and avoid awkwardness. Now, granted, there is awkwardness when dating but the bottom line is that you do not want your time with the escort to be disjointed and not fun. There are some rules, but basically, behaviour matters. Don't be disrespectful and expect to get laid at the end of the night with any enthusiasm. Here are some of the rules.
The first rule is don't get drunk. If you want to have a terrible time, get loaded on everything at the bar. For most guys, being drunk means their worst self comes out. Limit yourself to 1-2 alcoholic drinks in the bar. You will not be down there for long so it makes no sense to keep getting loaded on liquor. This will add more expense and the reality is that you will not cover yourself in glory.
Another rule is that you should be ready to spend time having a conversation with your escort. However, in the conversation, don't get too personal. Escorts are discreet, so if you are giving the escort your whole life story, then you are only putting the escort in a harder position to keep discretion. That said, you do not want to get too personal with the escort. Don't ask the escort questions about their kids and don't get into all the details about what your kids do. Keep the conversations light and fun, it always helps if you know the escorts interests. If she is interested in football, for example, this is a great way to play into that.
When it comes to escorts, there are several reasons that paying with cash is still preferred. If you don't have the cash, you won't get the service. It's really that simple. The best thing to do is to keep as many big denominations as possible. The reason for this is that escort services are not cheap, especially when you are paying for a premium service. The key is making sure you have exact money for the escort. Some services may do charges on a card, but the best thing to do is have cash because cash will be discreet. This is a simple way to make sure you have everything taken care of with minimal fuss.
Finally, make sure that you are dressed appropriately for your date. The key is to think about being business casual. This is a good failsafe, so if you are unsure, just simply adhere to this and make sure your clothes are matching. Unsure how to match? The good news is that the internet has loads of resources about how to match your clothes so you will have no problem making sure that your colours are not clashing. Instead, you can focus on getting down to business at the right moment instead of having the escort stare at you funny because your belt and shoes are just not right.
Understand Respect with the Escort
While you are clearly spending time with an escort because you are seeking to have sex, do not just dive right into trying to get the escort in bed – especially if you have paid for the girlfriend experience. Instead, you should take your time and build up to the bedroom events in a more relaxed fashion. If you are trying to get the escort in bed the moment they walk in the door, it comes off as desperate and creepy. Instead, spend some time with the escort and have a good conversation, let the escort guide the evening.
Also, another important thing about respect is to make sure that if you are bringing an escort to your hotel room or to where you live, don't have the place being really messy. In the hotel, if you have clothes strewn about, it is not a good look. Remember, women notice the smallest things and that means they form an impression based on what they see. Do you really think that a classy escort is going to have a good impression if they have to step over your halfway-opened suitcase and walk over the mounds of dirty clothes? Probably not, so make sure that wherever you are, that you are in a clean environment.
Specifying What You Want to Do

As you have clearly seen, preparing for an escort is all about doing the things needed to have a good time. This is down to your hygiene, what you wear, and how you are acting. One of the most important things that you can do when preparing for your date with the escort is the booking call itself. The key here is choosing the escort that you want and then being specific about the activities about what you want. You would be surprised at how many guys get shy after they spend time looking at escorts and finding the woman they want to spend time with. Once you find the right person, the next thing you need to do is make the call to set up the appointment.
When appointments are set up, there are a few things that will be going on. The first is to take a look at the rate sheet and be clear about how much time you are willing to pay for. Don't get into a position where you hem and haw about whether you want two hours or three hours. Whatever you book, that is it. The next thing is you need to take a look at all of the different services being offered to you by the escort. Make sure that you understand the terms for each of the acts (e.g. GFE = girlfriend experience) so that when you are on the phone and setting down what is to go down, you are not doing any favours if you are not specific. Once you finish this part of the process, make sure that when the escort arrives you spend some time going over exactly what was paid for. You should be able to reference your booking conversation as well if there is a discrepancy. Overall, the key is preparing for a date with an escort is all about respect. Show respect, and you'll be alright.
Preparation is the Key to Success According to
Preparing for a date with an escort means you have to take care of the small details so that you have a good time. Details also matter in terms of legality with escorts. CLICK HERE to learn how to keep yourself out of trouble with the law.
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