What You Should Pack When Travelling As An Escort What to pack when you're travelling is always an important point to consider. What should you pack when travelling as an escort, though? Firstly, you need to know what you're travelling for, and what's expected of you during your trip. There
What to pack when you're travelling is always an important point to consider. What should you pack when travelling as an escort, though? Firstly, you need to know what you're travelling for, and what's expected of you during your trip. There are plenty of things you need to consider, but as long as you make sure that you have what is needed, you'll easily be able to enjoy yourself. The key is always to be practical, of course. You don't want to pack too much, and you also want to make sure that you've packed enough, so that you don't end up in a situation where you're not prepared for something. We'll touch on this a bit more when we get the next point, but in the meantime, making sure that you're prepared for the trip is essential. That means that you're on top of things and that you have all the info that you need before you go. You don't want any surprises once you've already left, so take notes.
Know What You're Travelling For - What's Expected
When your client talks to you about travelling with them, make sure that you get as many specifics as you possibly can. Are you travelling for business or pleasure? What kind of activities will you be doing? Are you going to be attending any specific events that you need to be appropriately dressed for? What kind of dress is expected? it's important that you're aware of anything that you might need to know when it comes to travelling with someone, and you'll want to be sure that you're as prepared as possible. The more information you have, the better. Get the info that you can get and ask about anything that you're unsure of. If there are any other specifics that you're going to need to know about, your client should be making you aware of all of these things. Once you've got all of the information that you can get from your client, and you've prepared accordingly, you shouldn't need to worry about anything else. If he's looking for a little role play action and he hasn't let you know that you need to pack for that, then he's going to have to take you shopping when you arrive. Simple as that. Do what you can do based on the information you have, and let him look after any items that he might have missed out on telling you. Never pay out of pocket.
The Things You Need To Consider:
-Where are you going?: Climate and culture will end up playing a huge role in how you pack for a trip. This is very important to consider when packing, and your client should let you know if there are any things that you must know. On the other hand, you'd be doing yourself a very big favor if you did some research on your own so that you can know what to expect, and be as prepared as possible. Travel considerations for women aren't always the same as they are for men, so sometimes you'll need to take some initiative and do some research for yourself to make sure you're prepared. -What kind of activities will you be doing?: Maybe you will only hang out with your client in your room. Maybe you'll be attending certain events. This, of course, impacts your packing choices. You'll definitely want to make sure that you bring all of your essentials though, because it's really difficult to say whether or not the place you're travelling to will have all of the things you're used to using, especially if it's not a particularly touristy place. -How long are you going for: Particularly when it comes to packing items such as undergarments (hey, it needs to be said), you'll want to make sure that you bring enough with you to get you through your trip. Are you going to need any feminine items? Do you need to bring your birth control, or any other contraceptives? Remember to pack these items too because if you run out during your trip, it can make things a lot more stressful than they need to be. Anything that is a necessity needs to come with you. -How much can you actually bring with you?: Sometimes you'll need to make sure you're being very strategic when you pack for a trip with a client, especially if you're expected to be prepared for several different things. If you need to pack a lot of different clothing, then you should let your client know that you'll likely need to pay for an extra piece of checked luggage. This might not always be the case, but if you're going for a few weeks and you need to be prepared for anything, unless they're willing to pay for new clothes for you, you need to bring what's needed - and you'll also need to consider how you might get any new items home with you afterwards as well. -Try your best to keep it simple: Yes, you may need to bring a lot of things with you, but the more you bring, the more of a hassle it's going to end up being. Try to at least pack things that you can strategically mix and match, and keep your shoe game simple. Classic colors will mean that you need to bring fewer pairs of shoes. If you have travel-sized containers for your hygiene products, that will go a long way towards saving you space in your luggage. Wherever you see an opportunity to save space, it's a good idea to go for it. -Make sure you know what your client wants: If your client is clear with you about what you need to bring, you will better prepare yourself for the trip. If you can get them to send you a list of some sort - even if it's just your itinerary, so you can figure out what you'll need to wear, etc, that will make a huge difference when it comes to packing. If there are some specific role play outfits or devices that you need to bring, make sure you know before you finish packing as well. -Research your destination: This is quite important because if you've never been somewhere before, and your client isn't thinking about things from a female perspective, you'll want to be prepared. Research the destination you're traveling to. If you travel to a country where the religious and cultural practices are different, you'll need to be aware of it so that you can dress appropriately according to local customs. It's the respectful thing to do, and it also goes a long way towards making your client look good as well. Being prepared for these kinds of things will increase your chances of further travels with this particular client. -Seriously - don't forget your passport: This may sound funny, but if there's one thing that needs to be on your mind all the time when it comes to packing, it needs to be your passport! Make sure that your travel documents are always valid and that you're ahead of the game when it comes to renewals, etc. The last thing you need when you're on a trip with a client is to have problems with your passport, or other travel documentation. If this is a lengthy trip, you will want to make sure that a visa isn't required. Learn everything that is needed to travel to your destination, and make sure that you have it in advance. You'll make your life a lot easier.
Just Make Sure You Have What Is Needed
Sure, it's a pain in the ass to have to buy things that you've forgotten or didn't know you needed in the first place, but if you've covered your bases, then this should not be an issue for you. Additionally, it's a wise move to ensure that you've got a cash contingency in place just in case you end up needing to buy something at your travel destination. Make sure that you've purchased the correct currency, and also make sure that you've got an agreement in place with your client if there's any reimbursement. You really shouldn't be worrying about the money when you go on a trip with your client, though. Your client should be looking after all expenses, as you're giving up a lot of your time and potential income to be with them for their trip. If there are some things that you really do want to enjoy on your own on your own dime though, then go for it. Why not, if you can afford it, right? As long as you know what you need and you packed accordingly, you'll be able to enjoy your trip without any problems. And if a minor issues arises, your client should be able to easily resolve them once you reach your destination. We've given you some really good points above as well, and as funny or trivial as some of them might seem, you'd be surprised how many people show up at the airport, ready to check in, but realizing that they have forgotten their passport. Sometimes, the things that should be the most obvious to remember can be the easiest to forget, so prepare accordingly.
Enjoy Yourself!
Have a great time with your client and when you have time on your own, be sure to make the most of that as well. Since you've got a cash contingency in place (right??), you should be able to get out and enjoy some things on your own while you're at your destination. Your client may or may not cover these expenses, but since you're there and it's a chance to enjoy a new place, you should make sure you've got some funds of your own to spend on some fun stuff! What should really be happening though, is that your client is making sure that you have some funds that you can use to entertain yourself when he's not with you. And when he is with you, taking you out to enjoy what the destination has to offer should also be at the top of his priority list, and chances are, it will be. Any good client who appreciates your time is going to make sure that your time with them is worthwhile. What should you pack when travelling as an escort? Remember that you need to know what you're travelling for, and what's expected of you during your trip. If you make sure that you've put thought into the necessary considerations, and made sure that you have what is needed, you'll easily be able to enjoy yourself on any trip with a client.
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