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What Should You Do When Your Escort Catfishes You?

What To Do When Your Escort Catsfishes You This is something that not only happens to clients of escorts, but it also happens quite often to a couple who is dating. This can be very unsettling. When you first engage in an escort

What To Do When Your Escort Catsfishes You

What To Do When Your Escort Catsfishes You
What To Do When Your Escort Catsfishes You
This is something that not only happens to clients of escorts, but it also happens quite often to a couple who is dating. This can be very unsettling. When you first engage in an escort experience, do not give out a number or an email address that you use all the time. You may want to create a new one. Let's start by sharing some tips to avoid having an escort catfishing you. One thing you may want to do is not share your full legal name with an escort. Once you feel comfortable with her, if you are a regular client, the choice is yours. If you are married or seeing someone but still book time with this escort, hopefully, you are not a victim of catfishing. If she is the type of person who wants to know more about you and she knows your full, legal name, she may get on social media and start creeping your accounts. You may think that you can eliminate it by blocking any and all profiles she has on social media. That is if you know her full real name. You may block her and she may create an entirely new account. What do you do when your escort catfishes you. Make sure your settings are private. Only accept requests from those you know. If you are a professional and you are all over social media, there isn't much you can do other than look for odd posts or names that pop up in your feed. If she is a regular and you see her often, you may see a change in her behavior. Maybe she throws things out there during a conversation that raises a red flag. If that's the case, you can deal with it in one of two ways. Either ask her point-blank if she is checking up on you or you can wait and see if the behavior continues. If it happens again, you can end your client/escort relationship and move on. If you are married and have a family, you hope she doesn't catfish you. That could cause all kinds of problems and you do not want that to happen. If an escort is that desperate that she has to know your personal business and keep tabs on you, she is someone who may want to consider another line of work. Many agencies or independents have confidentiality agreements that are binding between client and escort. Before you choose an escort date, make sure that these agreements are part of the service you are using. There is always a possibility for catfishing to happen but not as much if there are no agreements in place. Cover yourself and remember that your confidentiality is very important. There are always things you can do when your escort catfishes you. Keep reading for some more advice and tips. You can also read much more on escort advice at

Rules About Giving Information That is Private And Personal

Unless you like to talk about yourself a lot, there are many rules about giving information that is private and personal. There are deceptive people out there who can be misleading and create a fake account or profile. Don't be duped, make sure that the escort service you are using is reputable and the escorts are as well. You can check out escorts on their profiles and read some reviews that are posted. Most reputable and real escort services will have something on their site indicating that they are legitimate. If there is an escort who is catfishing you will most likely figure that out when you meet for the first time. People who do this are never who they say they are. They tend to fabricate stories about themselves and make themselves out to be someone they are not. Maybe they are trying to lure you in because you are a professional and the ultimate target. If you want to do some preventative planning, here are a few things to remember. Do not give out any personal information about yourself. You do not have to supply an address and never give credit card information unless it is proven to be secure. There are many different ways for you to pay an escort for their services. Use the one that is most beneficial and secure for you. There are scams all over the world. People try and rip people off on a regular basis. There are usually many red flags and even your gut feelings will steer you clear of things like that. A sure sign that your escort is catfishing you would be if you read something completely different about her on social media. Maybe she is putting false information about herself out there. The best way to deal with that is to block them from all of your accounts on all types of social media. There is nothing more deceptive than someone pretending to be someone that they are not. Creating fake accounts with an over-exaggeration of information about themselves is a sure sign that they are trying to get someone's attention. Don't let that someone be you.

How To Handle Escort Drama Because Of Catfishing

How To Handle Escort Drama Because Of Catfishing
How To Handle Escort Drama Because Of Catfishing
When you are exposed to an escort who is attempting to catfish you, you should try to nip it right away. She is definitely looking to get something for nothing. If she has already created one fake account, chances are that she has more out there. If you entertain the behavior by becoming confrontational, it will only cause drama that she may be looking for. You can avoid it altogether and do everything possible to protect yourself and avoid making her poor choices, your business. One thing that is important is that you never pay an independent for services ahead of time. There are ways that legitimate services accept payment and you can find that information out and read more escort advice at If an escort is using a legitimate service and is still catfishing, not only are they trying to take advantage of you but now they are betraying the escort service that they are working for.

Signs That You May Be Getting Catfished

There are several signs that may be indicators that you are being catfished - You are being asked to send money before you meet and they give you a totally different contact to send it to - If their profile seems very amateur with a ton of errors - If they send you a picture portraying them as a model out of the blue - If they contact you out of nowhere and offer their services when it's the client that contacts the service to book time - A person is telling you stories that are completely unrealistic about themselves and they keep going on and on with the same story or adding more - If they keep making excuses about meeting up even after they have asked you for money These are just a few telltale signs that you may be a catfish target. Never, ever send money to a sketchy person. Legitimate escorts do not usually ask for money ahead of time nor do they tell a lot of stories. You can tell pretty much online which profile pictures are real and if there are no pictures or information, move on!

Things To Avoid In The Future If You Are A Catfishing Victim

If you have already been a catfishing victim from an escort, there are many things to avoid in the future. The most important is not to fall for the same thing again. You may be surprised to learn that there are people who didn't learn from their first experience. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Do some research and read up on escort advice on this site. You can call some reputable escort services up and the reception staff can also assist you by answering questions that you may have. You see these types of things all over talk shows on tv but you never think that it will happen to you. Let's say it already has. Hopefully, you do not let this bad experience keep you away from your dream of booking time with an escort. If you do your homework, ask around and get the true facts, you will be okay. An escort experience is supposed to be a good one and fulfill a companionship need for clients. You won't be duped if are good at recognizing signs that someone is trying to rip you off. People who catfish are being unrealistic. Those who look like models or who have a large resume in life, wouldn't be sharing that information with a complete stranger. Take a look at several sites and see for yourself. An escort that is legitimate will let you know that she is, for example, outgoing and fun and maybe says she has a great sense of humor. Less leaves more to the imagination. If you read something about an escort and want to know more, go through the motions of contacting them in the secure way that they provide to you. If you happen to get caught up in a scam, this advice is to help you know what to do when your escort catfishes you.

Should You Use Your Real Name?

This depends on whether or not you are familiar with the service or the independent escort you are booking through. If there is security in place, you can tell from the site itself. There is usually login information and more detail that tends to protect the user. Have a username handy that you would only use for this purpose. Avoid using names that you are known by in your personal social media accounts. Catfishing cons are relentless and the more you react, the more attention you draw to yourself. You will want to avoid getting caught up is sharing too much information via text messaging or emails. If you put yourself in a vulnerable position, you are likely to be taken advantage of. The only time you should use your real name is if you are familiar with the escort service and have used it several times before. If you are using a legitimate escort service, you may have to give your real name when paying. This is true unless it is a cash transaction. Stay focussed and avoid getting lured in by catfishing by not giving out too much personal information about yourself.

Keeping Your Personal Life Private

Keeping Your Personal Life Private
Keeping Your Personal Life Private
If you are a client who is married, has children or you are a professional, it is important that you keep your personal life private. Escorts, for the most part, are not known to ask personal questions. Maybe they have a partner and/or children. If that is the case, you will likely never know. This is why it is to be aware of catfishing and those who share too much information are likely lying or highly exaggerating. Pictures that an escort uses are either selfies or done professional and most time their faces are blurred out. Their profiles will also share a short description of themselves as well as some of the services that they offer. There are a few who give their age and brief descriptions about their physique. You will likely see that for yourself in the pictures that they post. Many of their profiles also share reviews that previous customers wrote about them. Be alert and careful of how well you trust anyone. You do not want to become a victim of catfishing!

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