Why Are Busty Escorts So Appealing? What is the incredibly popular appeal of large breasts? We see them everywhere from billboard ads featuring a thin model with double D's to magazine spreads and reality TV shows. Men everywhere love to look at them, play with them and talk about them.
Why Are Busty Escorts So Appealing?

Escorts offer special services tailored to breast fetishes and porn sites' top searches still include phrases like "big tits" or "BBW" (big beautiful women). So what is it that makes them so appealing? Does size really matter? In this case, it actually all comes down to science. Here are the top five reasons men prefer busty women, and more specifically, busty escorts.
It's All Biological
It seems like big breasts have been popular since the dawn of time. Ancient drawings on cave walls displayed curvy, busty women and to this day it's still one of the most commonly searched porn keywords. So what's the deal? Why do men seem to prefer women with bigger chests? The answer might actually all stem from biology. Some scientists say the desire for a woman with a big chest is innately built into our brains.
According to Psychology Today, studies revealed that bigger breasts have historically been a result of women being well-fed with ample "fat reserves". Roughly translated, thick ladies know how to provide and they have the resources to do it. Men feel a sense of comfort, nurturing and desire at the same time in a way that they don't quite receive upon viewing smaller breasts.
A separate study, done by English and Malaysian researchers revealed that men who are hungry prefer bigger breasts versus men who are satiated. Somewhere in our brains there is still raw, primal programming that affects even our smallest decisions. It's a deep impulse from way back when we found partners based on survival. There's something that clicks and registers a busty woman as satisfying, but it doesn't stop there. Psychologist Stuart Fischoff, P.H.D. in an interview with Men's Health explained that there's also a connection between breast size and sexual dominance. Larger breasts typically belong to more dominant, sexual women compared to smaller chested women who tend to be more submissive. That may be true, since studies have also shown that historically bigger curves also imply better "reproductive fitness".
Estrogen, the female sex hormone, directs fat to the breast area and widens the hips, making a woman appear more "feminine" and psychologically suggesting to a potential mate that she will be better at sex, reproduction and even be an ideal mate. The traditional view of the ideal woman's figure is a curvy hourglass, which makes sense, since that is where natural hormonal weight distribution occurs. According to Psychology Today, men are more likely to approach a woman with medium to large breasts as opposed to a woman with smaller breasts. They theorize that breasts are similar to birds with colourful plumage, and attract men in a similar fashion. They catch your eye. While some scientists believe breasts solely exist for breastfeeding, it doesn't explain why humans are the only ones with enlarged breasts even when they're not pregnant. The answer, of course, relates to sexuality. Scientists believe breasts evolved to attract mate based on visual cues and therefore became the standard for peak female form throughout history.
History Worships Breasts
There are songs, texts, paintings and sculptures around the world dedicated to the celebration of the ultimate female figure. Ancient Egyptian art shows women with enormous hips and breasts, to the point of them being unnatural. The exaggeration can be credited to their interpretation of resources. Apparently, a woman with large, healthy hips and breasts has a lot to offer and can take care of you. Paleolithic statues were extremely curvy with very large breasts.
In Ancient Rome, big perky boobs were all the rage, as seen on frescoes and statues with supple round breasts. China also made statues now called "Fat Girls", referencing their small bodies and big chests. Indian statues at the same time also showed very round breasts and pointed nipples. These displays of well endowed women were the ideal of female power, womanhood and beauty; the optimal and perfect woman. More modern obsessions with busty women came out during WWI and WWII with the evolution of the "Pin Up Girl". Men had pictures of models, including the famous Fernande Barrey and Betty Grable.
More curvy and tantalizing women followed, like Marilyn Monroe, Bridget Bardot and Annette Funicello. There have always been references to the beauty and raw sexuality of large breasts and curves throughout history and today's modern man is not any different.
They're Fun To Look At

Even when completely covered, the outline is still able to be seen under shirts or dresses. When asked why men like busty women, some of the most common answers have to do with their aesthetic. They really are just fun to look at, especially adorned with some sexy lingerie that makes any guy drool. TV and movies show breasts bouncing in slow motion on a beach à la Pam Anderson or peeking provocatively out of plunging necklines. How many films reference a sexy woman bending over and giving someone a really good glance down her top? The "accidentally" exposed shapely figure can be a seductive tease, even for a demurely dressed woman.
A big bustline is an instant visual high for a hands-on, visual person. You see it, you want it. In a land of still somewhat taboo sexuality, boobs are right there to remind us of everything else underneath and to prompt thoughts to wander to what it must feel like to hold, squeeze and play. When hiring an escort, visual aesthetics matter. For public events, it's important to look your best and to have someone with you who will be eye-catching and give you a confidence boost. (Be sure to check out our article on How Hiring A Girlfriend Can Make Your Life Less Stressful to learn more about how a GFE (Girlfriend Experience) can actually boost your confidence and relieve stress!) Surveys show that men who hire escorts for public events and outings generally want someone who will draw positive attention and even a little envy from their peers. All eyes will be on you and the gorgeous woman beside you.
A girl on your arm that generates a "wow" factor helps ease tension and relieve anxieties. Escorts, as opposed to the traditional dating scene, are there exclusively for you and your needs. They are familiar with different kinds of events and will help you seamlessly through everything, while looking good doing it. For the man who has always wanted to enter a party with the sexiest girl beside him, event escort services are able to provide just that. Their professionalism guarantees that you will leave a spectacular impression and not be forgotten. Beyond the overall impact that a high class escort can offer, a busty escort can also help you de-stress in more ways than one.
They Are Good For Your Health
Did you know that gazing at a set of boobs can actually help you live longer? A 2012 study revealed that looking at a woman's chest for 10 minutes a day helps cardiovascular health, decreases blood pressure, increases positive thinking and relieves stress. A separate German study from the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that even a few minutes of staring at breasts is equal to 30 minutes at the gym! The reason? "Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation," says Dr. Karen Weatherby, an ageing expert.
It definitely sounds a lot more fun than an afternoon on the treadmill. It has also been suggested that the female breasts evolved in the way that they did to resemble the human booty. Most animals have sex from behind, and the theory suggests that men required a visual stimulus for the front as well as behind to match our changing sexual styles and positions. While this theory is almost certainly untrue, it does play into the interesting idea of a multi-faceted visual turn-on trigger. Surveys reveal men thoroughly enjoy "woman on top" positions for the added benefit of watching their chest bounce. If you consider that 10 minutes of staring at boobs is apparently equal to 30 minutes at the gym and combine that with some sexual cardio, you'll be fit, happy and healthy in no time and if not, it's at least worth a try!
They're Fun To Play With
At the end of the day, big boobs are more than just a visual reminder, they're also an extra bit of fun. A lot of men want a busty escort because there's more to play with during sex. Many see breasts as a main source of physical pleasure. When investing in escort services, it's important to try to find a match that checks all your boxes. Men report enjoying the additional possibilities and play that busty escorts are able to provide. Studies show men enjoy sex not only visually but also like to be extremely hands-on, and the opportunities well-endowed women present are seemingly endless.
Escorts often offer special services you can ask for, like Russian (a common escort term for "titty-fucking"). If you are unsure and want to try something, just ask! Escorts are happy to communicate with you about what they offer and breast-play really can be anything you could imagine. Nipples can be pinched, kissed, sucked and tweaked. There are adult toys designed for breasts and nipples that can be explored like clamps, pumps, kinbaku (rope play) and suction devices, but more than that...they're fun on their own! Visually, they bounce and jiggle.
Some compare hard nipples to be the closest visual comparison to an erection, a visual display of female arousal. Boobs are a bit of a novelty for men because, let's face it, they don't have them. Playing with something you don't have yourself is always a fun experience. Even the simple act of resting your head on breasts like a pillow is a common favourite among men and the bigger the boobs, the comfier the pillow is. When asked, men state their reasons for liking big breasts in the simplest terms possible; "they look nice" or "they feel nice" are the most common responses. Many describe a warm comfortable feeling while others mention immediate sexual urges. Whatever the reason may be, history is on the busty side.
Boobs Will Always Be A Hot Topic

Having a professional who takes her appearance and job seriously and is dedicated to your care and pleasure is a win-win. While men will always love breasts of all sizes, large busts have seemingly dominated men's preference for millennials. The pursuit of the ideal traditional female form still seems to be an active part of the male brain. Some men say it's more about the shape and the firmness but in the end, it's all about personal preference and who says you can't try it all?
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