
Are Cheap Escorts The Way To Go?

Are Cheap Escorts The Way To Go? Escorts are great, and they come with many perks: easy sex, great sex, hot bodies, and more. But they also come with one major disadvantage. They are very, very expensive, sometimes even for the average wealthy man.

Are Cheap Escorts The Way To Go?

Are Cheap Escorts The Way To Go?
Are Cheap Escorts The Way To Go?
Escorts are great, and they come with many perks: easy sex, great sex, hot bodies, and more. But they also come with one major disadvantage. They are very, very expensive, sometimes even for the average wealthy man. An hour with one top class escort in the UK can cost in the upwards of £400 to £500. That's more than most men can afford. Any escort will tell you that high prices are not a problem from their point of view. And she is right. Regardless of how expensive these girls are, men still book them, and they are always in demand. For men looking for some fun but without the budget for a costly escort, the best alternative is a cheap escort. They are way more affordable and might charge nearly less than half of a top-tier escort's rate for their hour. The problem is that cheap escorts aren't as popular as their top-tier counterparts. So should one go for them?

Who are cheap escorts?

In the escorting world, there are invisible hierarchies of who's at the top and who's down the ladder. At the top are the very expensive, very classy escorts. The cheap escorts are on the bottom rung of the ladder, despite being more expensive than a random call girl. While escorts, in general, are expensive and that's their allure, cheap escorts are on the lower side of expensive. They are not too cheap to shame the trade but not as expensive as the ideal escort. They usually offer the same services as any other escort too. But while top tier escorts look to offer their services to wealthy princes from far-flung kingdoms, cheap escorts tend to offer theirs to every Tom and Dick.

The pros of getting with cheap escorts

They are affordable

The best part about getting with a cheap escort is that she is quite affordable. She might not be as cheap as a call girl off the street, but you can still pay her for two hours and stay financially stable. Unlike more expensive escorts, she will not require lots of additional stuff from you, too, like gifts or tips or lavish trips. It's always up to you to be a gentleman and provide these for her, but when her fees turn out to be super affordable, you can easily downgrade them or cancel them out completely.

They are good if you want a quick get-off

If you have ever been in a situation where you badly need sex but can't get it, you know how restless it can get and how annoying it is. If you find yourself staring at the phone number of a cheap escort during such a situation, go ahead and call her. That's because cheap escorts come in handy in moments like these. There is always the guarantee that the sex will be good because she is an escort. And even if it's not, it's most likely because she will be a novice, and that means she will be fresh. Not too bad on either front.

They provide good sex

This should be a fact, but it's not: an escort is an escort, and escorts are always better in bed. It might be the fact that they like what they do, or that they get regular practice and exposure to different styles, but escorts are generally better at sex than most women. Among other sex workers, escorts are still better than hookers, call girls, and street whores combined. This applies to cheap escorts as well. Rating her services lower does not mean that she loses her abilities in bed. So when you go for a cheap escort, you can still expect really good sex, depending on how knowledgeable you are yourself.

They usually don't expect too much from you

Your escort, should she be cheap, will expect you to have her payment ready, be able to perform in bed and be clean enough. She will also expect you to show up. But that's about it when it comes to your expectations. A top tier escort normally requires more from her clients. She might expect a date or dinner or fancy present in addition to a hefty tip for her services. A cheap escort knows who her clients are, so she will most probably not demand too much. She will also be ready for a lot of shenanigans, and the kinda top-tier escort would not tolerate. So, yes, a cheap escort would be a perfect choice.

They don't have very high standards

If you've always been booted out by sexy escorts and women because they find you a bit too disappointing to take on, a cheap escort is good for you. No escort ranks her services that cheap unless she is looking to draw in more clients, so she will have no reason to boot you out. She will not judge you either, because cheap escorts are usually in no position to judge. Of course, she will have standards regarding what she wants and what she expects from a client, but they will be low because she will be in the market for not-so-rich people.

They easily accept back to back sex appointments

Cheap escorts are more likely to offer back to back appointments should a client request for them. In many cases, an escort will only render herself this cheap if she is desperate for clients. If she lands a client that isn't too bad and he asks to meet her again very soon, she wouldn't have the power to refuse. It's not that back to back appointments are bad – they are wonderful for clients, actually – but most escorts do not offer them unless they know the client well or have seen them a while. In other words, you can easily get lucky with a cheap escort.

They are usually easy to find

The thing about cheap escorts is that they are always easier to find than more expensive ones, especially here in the UK. Because they want to be found by their clients, they usually employ more direct advertising methods, such as tart cards in public phone booths, 'massage' ads in shop windows, links, and ads on porn and live cam websites, and more. That becomes another advantage they have. Anyone can locate them, so you won't have to browse across the internet daily for escort websites in your area or shift through phone books endlessly looking for addresses.

The cons of going for cheap escorts

The cons of going for cheap escorts
The cons of going for cheap escorts

You don't get the real high-end escort experience

If it's not just sex but the real UK escort experience you're looking for, a cheap escort will not give it to you. The escort experience works best when you deal with a real high-end escort. You get to get sieved by her, take her out, spend time with her, and be her lover while spending a good deal of money. AA cheaper escort is likely to consider half of that fancy and frivolous, sticking to the basics as she caters to her less-wealthy clients. And that's where the escort experience goes out the window.

They don't always make great dates

The best escorts know that it's a good company they are selling to their client, so they tend to be great dates, whether it's a dinner party, a date in a silent restaurant or at home. They hone their experience for weeks through countless top-end clients. A cheap escort is most likely to be new to the trade or a poorly reviewed person looking for a way back to the action. Both of those options come with the possibility that she will be a lousy date for you, the kind that doesn't know what she is doing, or just isn't good at it.

They are more likely not to give great sex too

We mentioned earlier that cheap escorts will also be great in bed because they are still escorting. That is true, but it is also highly possible that the one you will choose won't be. Why? Because she's a novice, such a college student new to the trade, and she won't be as skilled in the sheets as a more experienced escort. It's no crime to be a novice, but no one wants to pay high prices for bad sex. But that is what a cheap-priced novice is most likely to give, and you won't be able to get your cash or time back after.

They don't always give full-service packages; their services are limited

When you choose to go cheap with escorts, you might as well say you are looking for the basic version of sex with an escort. Because even escorts understand the way business works, and the most sane of them will not charge random low fees for services that are much more tasking. Most cheap escorts offer fewer services than usual, always the basics only. If they have lots of services on their list, they may ask for a little more with each service. The point here is that if you are looking to get the full service of an escort, you should consider a more expensive escort.

They tend to have crappy apartments too

Some of the negative aspects of hiring a cheap escort might appear mundane, but they are still true. One such is the fact that many cheap escorts offer lousy accommodation for their services. Think crappy apartments, dewy, run-down massage parlors, extremely basic rooms, places like that. It's not that they prefer it that way; it's usually what they can afford. If you're the kind of man that attaches value to each sexual encounter you experience, a cheap escort might not be the girl for you. If you have no problem waiting to get home to take a shower after a long sexual encounter (because her place didn't have a bathroom), then a cheap escort might do.

There is always a catch with a cheap escort

As noted above, escorts are usually expensive. That's part of what they are known for. So why would an escort sell herself short? It's only fair to assume that it's because there's more than she's willing to tell. She could be a terrible person or have nasty reviews online. She could be bad in bed. Anything is possible when an escort is too cheap to be true.

You get to decide, depending on:

How much you want sex, i.e., whether you want it so bad right now or you can wait and search for a more expensive escort instead. Your standards, i.e., whether you feel you deserve a cheap or an expensive escort regardless of your financial situation. What you're willing to put up with in exchange for good sex i.e., if you are ready to go with whatever she brings to the table, even when it's something unusual, such as having a nasty apartment What she says she can offer i.e., the services she says she can give you. Because she's so cheap, her services might be less than usual. How much you have to spend i.e., if you have very little to spend that you can only afford her or if you've got enough that you can splurge on someone more expensive.


Getting with a cheap escort is easy. The sex might be good, and you might feel very good about yourself after. Choosing her is a problem. All you need to know are her pros and cons as listed above, and then you can make a proper decision. If a cheap escort works for you, there's no need to feel less or be judged. The difference between a cheap and an expensive escort is the price they set for their services. You might or might not like your experience with her, but you can always get another next time.

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