How To Properly Take Care Of Your Sex Toys Whether you use toys on yourself or during dates, it's important for everyone's health and safety to carefully sanitize everything before each use. Not all toys are alike, and they shouldn't be cleaned the same way either. To extend the life
How To Properly Take Care Of Your Sex Toys
Know Your Toys
The vast selection of adult toys available is enough to confuse anyone. Doing a little research before buying and knowing what will suit your needs will help you get the best results from your toys. New toys should be disinfected immediately and definitely before their first use. Toys are separated into 3 categories, porous, non-porous, and leather and other items. This differentiation will help you identify the proper method for sanitizing and cleaning.
For toys that you exclusively use on yourself the cleaning and disinfecting will not need to be done as frequently and intensely unless you feel more comfortable that way. Plastic, metal, glass, stone, ceramic or silicone toys are non-porous. These are generally toys that are firm and solid, like some vibrators, anal plugs or dildos. If you're unsure, check the label but be wary of labels on silicone toys.
Many companies will mix or blend products with phthalates which loosen the molecules and degrade easier. Blended silicone is typically considered more porous and should not be cleaned using non-porous techniques. Thermoplastics are an exception and should be treated as porous. When using lube with toys make sure you don't use silicone-based products on your silicone toys as it can break down the material. Water-based is your best option. Some escorts swear by all natural coconut oil for toy-related activities.
Porous toys include PVC, rubber, latex, TPR/TPE or "real feel"/"real skin", and jelly. For the most part, with wood as the exception, porous toys tend to be bendier and stretchier. Wood is a bit of a grey area, and some wood toys are actually classified as non-porous because of the finishing coating they have on them. For your specific toy, consult the label for recommendations. Porous toys are much harder to clean and maintain as they are a breeding ground for bacteria, mildew and fungus since germs and moisture can easily permeate the pores. While this may be a fine alternative for personal use, it is pretty much impossible to keep them in a "clean and sanitized" state. Most can only be cleaned by rinsing with water, which is sufficient.
If you have heard of companies selling porous-friendly sanitiser sprays or wipes, don't buy into it. They are not proven to work effectively and make little to no difference in cleansing the toys. Most often, these are marketed to make porous toys sell better and seem safer. The shared use of porous toys is not recommended. If you have to use a porous toy, be sure to use a condom on it to prevent any potential bacteria growth from affecting the user. Be sure not to use latex condoms on porous toys. Oil coatings on porous toys break down latex and can damage the condoms. Alternatives will work just fine!
The third category is quite broad and stretches to cover all other toys or accessories like whips, masks, cuffs and more. Most will come with individual cleaning instructions you can follow. If you don't already own accessories and are looking to invest, be wary of cheap items. The cheaper they are the more likely they will be porous and full of potentially damaging chemicals. If your toy gives off a very chemical, plastic-type of odour when you open it, it likely is not made of ideal materials. Invest in good quality leather and other accessories, and treat them with appropriate care to extend their use. This also decreases the risk of you or your clients having a reaction to the products.
Basic Maintenance
Here are some general cleaning guidelines for non-porous toys: First use: 100% silicone, glass and metal toys can be disinfected by boiling for around 5 minutes or soaked in a 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach, 9 parts water) for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed well with water. Make sure any boiled items are carefully removed and put somewhere soft and safe to fully cool before touching them.
Materials like glass and metal will retain heat for much longer than silicone. Never ever heat a bleach solution. Room temperature will work perfectly for disinfecting. Plastics can be wiped with rubbing alcohol solutions. This is ideal for items like vibrators that cannot have all their pieces fully submerged in liquid. Between uses, you can use a good toy cleaner or wash well with hot soapy water for personal use.
Depending on the usage of the toys, it's recommended to disinfect weekly or monthly for maintenance. If you suspect you have an infection, or use your toys with others, disinfect after each use. Always check toys between uses and especially just prior to use for cracks, tears, dents, chips, etc. If they have any, they need to be thrown out immediately for safety reasons. Checking even the smallest crevices of your toys is crucial because the smallest chips can cause serious damage. Good places to check are where detachable pieces might connect, along any seams or where the toy changes shape.
Porous toys are extremely difficult to keep fully "clean". All porous toys should be checked for discolouration which indicates mould or mildew growth. To clean them, wipe them down with a warm cloth, soap and water. Be sure they dry off well to prevent mildew growth. Some escorts swear by dusting them with a little corn starch to prevent stickiness.
Special Care
If you choose to sanitize your metal toys with a bleach solution it is important to rinse them immediately with soap and water to remove the remnants of bleach on the surface. Metal should never be air-dried with bleach residue on it. Certain materials can only be cleaned by rinsing with water, like "real skin" toys. These should really not be shared, and use with a condom is recommended as they are potentially toxic and porous materials.
Fabric accessories have their own instructions but often can be treated and washed in the washing machine or done by hand. Leather should be wiped down with warm soapy water, speciality wipes or leather cleaner. Leather can also be disinfected by wiping the surface with a rubbing alcohol solution. Wood toys, as stated earlier, fall into a grey area between porous and non-porous.
Contrary to what you might think, a properly made wood toy is completely splinter-free. They are created by expert wood craftsmen and sanded until they're smooth. Avoid toys with unnecessary staining and instead, focus on the finish. Toys are sealed to prevent moisture from seeping in and causing splintering, warping or cracking. Look at what varnish or finish is applied to it and follow the maker's instructions for cleaning. When properly sealed, wood toys are non-porous.
Always be sure to keep from tossing wood toys around, so you don't chip the varnish or scratch it with abrasive cleaners or cloths. Wipe down the sealed wood with an anti-microbial cleaner or warm soap and water. Any toy used for anal play should be sanitized often for cleanliness, to prevent the spread of germs or infection and to avoid a smell from collecting. When sharing, always use condoms to cover your toys and still disinfect the toy accordingly.
Safe Storage
Safe toy storage is just as important as your disinfecting. Keep them in a safe, clean and dry place. Don't leave them lying around where they can collect dust, moisture and other bacteria. Do not store thermoplastic or jelly toys together. Thermoplastic and jelly toys touching for too long will release oils and cause the material to break down. Store these toys individually.
Glass or ceramic toys should be stored safely and not loose where they risk bumping each other and chipping or breaking. The best storage method for all toys would be soft storage, not hard. Bags or padded cases are the best way to keep toys separate, clean and safe. Bags with good airflow would be best. If you use toys frequently as part of your dates, a case might be the better option for you, as it will keep your toys protected and be a discreet way to carry special items safely. Battery-operated toys should be stored without batteries inside of them to prevent damage or corrosion.
You also decrease the risk of your toy turning on while in storage, which makes for an uncomfortable and awkward encounter if you arrive with a dead toy to your date. Keep leather and fabric accessories somewhere where the material can breathe. Good airflow is key to maintaining good leather.
Play Safe
Avoid items that contain phthalates whenever possible. You can easily detect toys that contain it by the smell, and many people report developing rashes or sensitive skin when coming into contact with it. These items are all considered porous which is another reason to avoid them if at all possible. Safe toy use implies that you use toys appropriately as indicated on their packaging and make sure you know the difference between porous and non-porous toys. It's amazing how many issues or questions can be resolved by reading information about your toys before making a purchase or by reading the manual. It's important for your clients to feel safe when using toys knowing that they will not be risking infection or fluid-sharing.
Giving already sanitized toys an extra rinse and wipe-down before using condoms on certain items will certainly extend the life of your toys and help clients feel at ease with your level of professionalism and care. If you do notice your toys are beginning to show signs of wear, colours are fading, a different smell, or it's just not operating properly, it should be replaced. It's nice for repeat clients to see that you regularly invest in new gear as well and that you don't continue using toys that should have been replaced a long time ago. Always ask clients if they have any allergies before using toys or accessories during a date.
Reactions are always possible and it's best to find out beforehand during the screening process so as to avoid any uncomfortable situations. This goes for any type of materials including lubes and condoms as well. If you only use toys with a few select clients, it's worth investing in different toys for each. This will really help prevent even accidental cross-contamination and fluid sharing. Following these guidelines and making sure everything is clean and up to date will ensure a safe and fun environment for all parties involved.
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