The Difference Between Porn & Sex With An Escort
The Difference Between Porn & Sex With An Escort In December 2018, an anonymous blogger revealed in a blog post that he had been severely disappointed by his first encounter with an escort because it didn't turn out as erotic as he'd
The Difference Between Porn & Sex With An Escort

The Misconception About Porn and Sex with an Escort
As with many sex-related entities, there is a lot of confusion about the escort business, even among clients. The biggest misconception is that the sex displayed in porn is the same sex performed everywhere, including with escorts. But as research has shown, many sexual acts made famous by porn aren't as popular among regular individuals, such as coming on people's faces, swallowing cum, extremely rough sex, fisting, and more. It isn't a different case with escorts; they're human too. When it comes to escorts, the client determines what kind of sex they want, depending on what they want. Still, that also depends on what the escort is willing to offer. Some escorts are clearly into unique sex from the get-go, while others can't stand it. The problem is that many novice clients think all manner of porn-style sex is always on the menu, and they might even try to force an escort into doing stuff she doesn't like.The Main Differences To Know
Ultimately, porn is very different from sex with an escort. If you're new to the escort world, there are some differences you should expect, as we discuss below.Structure vs. Natural flow
If there is one misconception that irks escorts, it is the fact that many clients assume that things have to follow a certain formula during a sexual session. They forget that a sexual session can go any way it wants. The problem stems from many clients taking porn as a major reference source, which is a bad idea because porn and sex with an escort differ on that issue. In porn, all videos seem to follow a certain structure under which all sexual acts are performed. They usually start with blow jobs and muddle through a couple of sexual styles before closing with another blow job. If it's a pornographic film, storylines are always predictable, and the structure is always the same. Anyone watching this might be fooled into believing that the same applies to real-life sex. But it's the opposite. During sex with an escort, things can go any way they want. Sex is what you make it, and it doesn't have to have a structure. Escorts aim for pleasure, and that might not require starting with a blow job. Some escorts don't offer blow jobs at all. That doesn't mean that the whole sexual experience will be bad after that. It can still be perfect.Film vs. Reality
One of the biggest differences between porn and real-life sex with an escort is that they are accessed through different mediums. They are both about sex, but there is a difference: porn is accessed through recordings of live sexual sessions while sex with an escort is accessed through reality and real-time sexual sessions. That difference results in different expectations from some clients. Because it is accessed through recordings, porn is only released in its most perfect form. As a result, clients start expecting their sexual encounter with an escort to be as perfect as what they see in porn. But porn does not become so perfect by accident. Not many people can have passionate, body-tiring sex in over five different positions for nearly 30 minutes, not even actors, without feeling worn out. They take long breaks and recharge between shoots. In addition, they do various takes for each scene in the video. In the end, a 30-minute video can require nearly 4 hours' worth of shooting and video. Real sex with escorts is less than perfect. It does not get edited because it happens in real-time without recording. There is a time limit, but no takes to repeat what you might have done wrong. It's natural and unpredictable and fun that way.Marathons vs. Sprints

Fantasy vs. Real life
One of the big differences between porn and real-life sex with an escort is that one is fantasy and the other is the reality. This is expressed best through the sexual acts each allows and makes commonplace. With pornography, every sexual act is desirable and allowed. The actors explore a long list of sexual acts ranging from blow jobs to cunnilingus to anal sex to bareback sex. Porn suggests that sexual acts such as coming on a woman's face are appealing. Even extreme forms of sexual pleasure are presented as highly pleasurable, such as fisting, BDSM, and even rape. Many clients are usually exposed to porn way before they decide to book escorts, and this forms their judgment of what sex should be like. But real-life sex with an escort doesn't allow all those sexual acts. Only some escorts offer some of those services as specialists. Some sexual acts are frowned upon by some escorts, such as coming in one's face and bareback sex. Even anal isn't a must. Clients that come in expecting these styles to be basic offerings are always in for a rude surprise.Perfection vs. Human error
When clients are booking escorts, they tend to have the idea that the best sex is that which can only be described as otherworldly. They imagine a kind of sex that is perfect, smooth, and performed with the best, most beautiful bodies. Unfortunately, this affects their expectations, and they go into escorts expecting perfection, which they can never find. This is a direct result of the porn industry's influence. Porn videos make sex look perfect. They employ actors without a blemish on their skins and powder them with makeup to look even better. Porn videos also maximize the fact that they are recorded. Each video is edited for clarity and 'smoothening' purposes, which involves cutting out any breaks the actors took or any sweat they released. Most importantly, all mistakes are cut out. The final result can be as short as ten minutes of perfect, otherworldly sex. That is the exact kind of sex you don't get when you book an escort. Real-life sex is messy, full of stops and starts and longer than ten minutes when done right. There can be unexpected fluids; there can be highs and bumps in performance; there can be errors. Even better, no one looks that perfect when naked. Otherworldly sex is not a thing, even with escorts.Film vs. no recordings allowed
Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions clients come with when visiting escorts is that sessions can be recorded. The idea is suggested by porn, and its Point of View (POV) videos, and clients think it's applicable in real life too. But that's not the case. POV videos in porn are usually employed when filming close-ups of specific sexual actions such as blow jobs or actual penetration. They are supposed to add a little bit of naughtiness and eroticism to the porn video. In the case of POVs on blow jobs, they also make the scene (with the actress in action) look extra sexy. And of course, the whole video has to be recorded for purposes of selling for profit. But in real life, when dealing with escorts, cameras and other recording devices are not welcome to the sexual session. You might think a POV video of an escort handling your penis would look great for your friends or an anonymous amateur porn site submission, but she will not allow it. Escorts live by their discretion and invisibility media, especially in this era of privacy hacking. Don't come with a camera, hoping to record any moment of your session with her.Size vs. size
If there is one major mistake clients make today when meeting escorts, it is assuming that all escorts are looking for men with extra-size penises. Many clients lose sleep over this. Others let this meddle with their self-esteem, thinking the escort will undermine them. And that's where sex with an escort differs from porn – again. It's hard to find a pornographic video on the internet featuring a male actor with a small or thin penis. It's almost like they don't exist in the porn world. Instead, all-male actors tend to have thick or bigger penises, most times bigger than the average men would be. For the average man that watches porn, this has become the ideal to live for. Any size is smaller than what they see causes anxiety. Yet in real life, escorts don't worry about an escort's penis size that much unless it is unusually too big to handle. They expect penises of all sizes. They know that if a penis is too small, they'll find a way to work with it. Besides, most men forget that this is a transaction, and escorts aren't there to judge them but to work. Size shouldn't be such a worry when it comes to escorts.Conclusion

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