Should Escorts Feel Sorry For Their Clients’ Wives?
Wives Of Clients Who Choose Escorts For Companionship There are a lot of escorts who are seeing clients that are married or attached. Escorts get into the business for various reasons but they all should be aware that many of their clients are married men who pay for escort services
Wives Of Clients Who Choose Escorts For Companionship
The wives themselves may have an idea that their husbands are going elsewhere for companionship and then there are wives who may not have a clue. Should this affect you and how you feel about them? No, not really. You aren't seeking out their husbands. You are offering a service and the clients come to you. Some clients may be professionals that include athletes, musicians, or others who travel all over the world. The wives of these guys may already have suspicions that their husbands are seeking companionship when they are away from home.
Others may be naive and have no clue. An escort isn't aware that their client is attached unless he comes right out and tells her. Escorts may have their own personal opinion about guys who cheat on their wives. You also got into this profession knowing that many of your clients are married and this is something you should have considered before becoming an escort. Whatever happens in your client's home is between him and his wife.
When Does The Topic Of Wives Come Up?
Should the subject of wives come up? Not necessarily. If the client is booking time with you there is a good chance that you will never know. The only time it could come up is if the client becomes a regular and you get to know each other better. He may tell you or it may slip that he is married. If you are an escort who does both incalls and outcalls, it may become apparent to you that your regular client is married if his scheduled bookings are all incalls and he is a local guy. That most likely means he doesn't want to be seen out in public with you in case you are spotted by his family or friends.
If he is in the city once in a while and books outcalls with you, there is still a chance he may be married. If that is the case, you may never know if he is married unless he brings it up. If you notice a wedding ring, that may open up a conversation about his marriage. If he is a chatty client and you feel comfortable asking the question, ask. If he doesn't want to talk about it, he will let you know. It all depends on the person as there are different types of clients. The topic may never come up but that is not something that should even concern you. Yes, you have a conscience but always remember that you didn't go looking for your client, he booked time with you. Sometimes, there are couples who book the services of an escort together. Should you feel sorry for the wives if that's the case?
There Are Many Reasons Why Married Men Seek Out Escorts
Feeling sorry for the wives of your clients may be something that you think about if you find out he is married. There are so many reasons why married men seek out escorts. Some guys are in a loveless marriage and it's falling apart. There may be no intimacy or sex in their relationship and he and his wife are only together for the kids or financial reasons. There are others who may be very much in love with their wife but they are not getting any sexual satisfaction at home. You are not being booked by the client to be his counsellor although he may want to talk about it.
If he books the time, it's his dime. Maybe you can be a sounding board for him and listen. You can also satisfy his desire for intimacy. Many men travel constantly for business reasons and they are on the road more than they are at home with their wives. They may want to fill a need to have female companionship and seek you out for a date. Your time together could be for companionship only or he may want to enjoy some of the services you offer. It is not up to you to feel sorry for his wife. You are someone who provides a service. While he may be cheating on his wife, it's not about love. There are no strings attached between you and your client. Or at least there shouldn't be if you set healthy boundaries from the start.
What To Do If A Partner Of A Client Finds Out
Chances are, if the wife of a client finds out about his indiscretions, she won't know who the escort is unless he is careless and leaves out evidence of being with you. Things like your profile on his computer or receipts if he takes you out. Hotel bills that do not add up are also signs that may help his wife connect the dots. Chances are that she won't find you or be able to communicate with you. Should any wife call up the escort service or try to message you, there are secured privacy measures that are in place. Don't book that client again.
There is also the chance that his wife may find out that he has been cheating on her but never know that it was with an escort. Outcalls with locals are not a great idea if they are married because there is a slim chance, but a chance nonetheless, that you could run into her. If she finds out, put a healthy distance between you and your client. Remember, your client made the decision to book time with an escort, you didn't go looking for him. If his wife finds out, that is on him and not you. The bottom line is, don't feel guilty about the wives as this is your job and you're not making people cheat on their wives, it's their decision.
Dealing With Emotional Men Who Are Married
How To Shut Off An Active Imagination
We are going to discuss an active imagination and how you need to turn that off. The way to do this is to change how you perceive things. If he was just a one-time client, you should turn that active imagination off. If he is a regular client and you feel like you can't stop thinking about it, rethink keeping him on your roster. We have talked to many escorts that have told us they have married clients and although their initial feeling was to feel sorry for the wives, they have learned to not think about it. These guys seek out intimacy, companionship, and at times a venting outlet.
If you have tons of thoughts going through your head about their wives and if you feel sorry for them, you need to shut it down. A few ways that you can shut off an active imagination is to meditate or lose yourself in other clients. You can also disconnect for a while and take some downtime. Put some distance between you and some of the clients you know are married. Not for a long time but you are in control of your scheduling and you can always take a short vacation. Go on a weekend getaway somewhere. Many escorts like to travel and get away once in a while. Some may not be from the UK so they go to their home countries for a long or short visit. That is a great way to shut off an active imagination. A little time to yourself is always a good thing. If you are someone who escorts on the side, take a step back from it for a while and focus on other things you do. You will be back at it in no time.
Wives Of Professionals
When you are an escort, you could have had clients that you only saw once. Some of the clients are professionals and travel all over the world. The wives of these men always have an idea in the back of their minds that their husbands are not being faithful. Should you feel sorry for the wives? First off, unless these professionals are in the spotlight and all over the media, like athletes or musicians, there is a really good chance that you will never know that they are married. Their wives are not your concern. Sure, you are human but if you check out the track record of many of the professionals, you will see that some may be in their second or third marriages. It's a pattern with the guys.
You are an escort and they call up the escort service to book time with you. You aren't responsible for what he is doing nor are you expected to feel sorry for his wife. It is understandable that you have a conscience and feel for the woman but it is her choice to be with him and his choice to book time with an escort. Some wives of professionals are known to turn a blind eye to what their husbands are doing. They are strong women. If they find out that their husbands are cheating, it's their choice whether to leave or stay. You should remove any thoughts of guilt from your head. It may take a little time to get there but you owe it to yourself. What your client does in his personal life is not your responsibility.
Feeling Sorry For The Wives
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