Should I Talk Dirty To My Clients?
Should I Talk Dirty To My Clients? Talking dirty before or during sex can be something that adds to the experience and it turns many on. As an escort, should you partake in this activity while on dates with your clients? The easy answer to this is: it depends. The
Should I Talk Dirty To My Clients?
What Is Considered Talking Dirty?
Talking dirty, or dirty talk is using explicit language before or during sexual acts to turn your partner, and perhaps yourself as well, on. This is something that can be used in escalating levels of explicit language or with more and more precise descriptions of sexual acts. This is something that works really well for some people and absolutely not for others. Others find themselves somewhere in-between so you have to figure out the right balance for each client. Each person has their own level of dirty talk and adjusting to this from one person to another can make it a bit difficult.
Dirty talk can include things about what you want to do to your partner, what you want them to do to you, what is currently going on, and sexual fetishes and fantasies. Some folks are very comfortable dishing it out and just love going full-on with the most explicit language they can think of. Dirty talk can also be a great tool of communication in bed as those who partake usually end up talking about what they want and how they want it in very clear terms. It can be very useful with a client who you have not quite yet figured out or when you don't know what to do with a client you've seen more than once and know they might enjoy dirty talk if only they were given the chance. Talking dirty can both be fun and useful.
Learn How To Talk Dirty
Talking dirty might not come naturally to everyone and a lot of clients might be really into it, so you might need to learn how to do it. A great way to start is to ask what they want to hear. Some clients will gladly teach you their way and show you what they like best. Of course, you may want to simply learn it and adjust it to your own style so that you can offer to talk dirty to all your clients and even offer it on your website or page so that clients can know this an option. There are a few ways to learn this and get better at it. The first is to do your research and read a lot about the art of talking dirty.
The Internet is probably the best place to do your work and find all the articles teaching you about dirty talk and its history. From there, you can easily find examples of it written by all genders to please any gender and non-binary people. This is about pleasing and turning on a partner, so most people will like at least some level of dirty talk. Another very good way to learn dirty talk is softcore porn. Hardcore will most likely not be the best place to start and may be something you want to keep for later. In softcore porn videos and their websites, you can search for "dirty talk" or if you want to go even further "nasty talk" and the results should contain examples of this.
Watching these should be done like a sort of lesson taking where you can even take notes, but the most important will be to pay attention and learn as much as you can. You won't need to repeat exactly what has been said, but the more you hear it, the more familiar you will be with it. Other sites and videos that may not be sexually explicit visually may have great content to help you with this as well. Surprisingly, even romance novels, the more modern ones, will often contain some level of dirty talk that you can get inspiration from. What matters here is not the source of information, but that you are seeking it out and learning from it. Go forth and check out the dirty talk of others and see what might work for you.
When Should You Talk Dirty
When it comes to you talking dirty to your clients, this requires careful calculation to make sure you do not bring it into the situation too soon or at the wrong time. You may simply want to bring it up to your client in the moment or discuss it in advance. Of course, some clients will make a special request for you to talk dirty to them making it really easy to know they enjoy it. Also, you have to consider the moment and when the best time would be to start talking dirty. This can be difficult to gauge at first. With experience and a few tries, you will quickly become very good at recognising the right moment to start using this skill. It will become easier and easier. However, there are some basics to this as with anything.
For example, out on a date in a nice restaurant is definitely not the place for full-on complex dirty talk, but it can be a great place to whisper in your client's ear that you can't wait to blow them once you get back to the room. This could easily lead to a rushed date, but it could also really add to the excitement of the day. Once in private, you can start talking dirty when you feel the moment is right and you do not need to whisper it anymore. Although, you may want to whisper at times to keep a feeling of it being wrong or just something for the two of you even though no one else can hear you. Whispering makes it almost more exciting. You can also go a bit more overt and see how that works for your client and for you. Just remember to adapt to each client.
What To Do If Your Dirty Talk Fails
So you tried talking dirty and something went wrong. It may have backfired and your client did not like it at all. It's fairly simple to get back with an apology that is both honest and heartfelt. It may have failed because of other reasons like your style doesn't match his or you had a moment where it didn't connect. Simply communicate about this with your client and move on together. You can also just ask them what didn't work when something feels off and learn from their comments and suggestions.
What To Do If Dirty Talk Crosses A Line It Should Not
Of course, if a client goes way over the line and makes you feel uncomfortable to the point of feeling unsafe, please do talk to them and make sure they understand what has caused this and that you will not accept this to happen again. While you want to keep the client happy, you also need to respect yourself so that you can be happy with your work in the long term. This can lead to a very uncomfortable conversation, but it's a necessary conversation.
You will also need to be firm with certain clients regarding what is inappropriate and that you will continue to offer your services as long as they respect you. You need to be ready to deal with a bad reaction here and make sure you have your mind ready so that you can handle it if they get mad or refuse to comply. You may even need to end the date if the disrespect is too high or if they put you in a position where you feel unsafe. Dirty talk can be fun, but some do not know the limits and boundaries and it's something you may need to teach them yourself.
As with anything in your services, you can set boundaries and define what you find acceptable. The key here is to not judge and try to enjoy what you do. You also want to give your clients what they came to get. Good clients will respect and appreciate you while great clients will understand that you need your needs fulfilled and limitations respected. Communicate with your clients about the dirty talk as well as anything else you offer. You can easily talk dirty to them o have them talk dirty to you and see what they like. Clients love to let you know what they want and don't want as well as what they do not know.
You can help them make their selection and see if they want dirty talk by starting them easy with some simple bits here and there. Then let them say if they want more or escalate it themselves at first. This will help you set the mood and the boundaries, and will help your clients know what they want. Offering dirty talk doesn't mean all clients want it, you can easily just have it as an option as part of your services. It's like an extra that doesn't cost anything more once they've booked your services and it's something they can just add and remove at any time.
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