De-escalate Angry Clients With Ease
Best Techniques For Deescalating An Angry Client One of the most difficult parts of any job is when you are required to deescalate tensions caused by an angry customer. It really doesn't matter if you're a barista who's trying to settle someone disappointed in how moist their scone is, or
Best Techniques For Deescalating An Angry Client
Before Anything, Listen First
Firstly, we would like to acknowledge that you only proceed with the following techniques for deescalating an angry client if you, as the escort, feel safe enough to do so. If you are feeling unsafe, we advise that you immediately leave the area and find a place where you are out of harm's way. That said, if you can tell from your previous experience with the client that they are simply upset or angry, then the best thing to do is let them know that you are listening. Most escorts will already tell you that 95% of their job is to be an armchair psychiatrist for their clients - but it's times like these where that saying really goes into effect. For instance, the client may seem perturbed for the moment, but if you keep quiet and let them continue talking, there is a very good chance that they will calm themselves down. By allowing the client to vent about what is bothering them, they are able to release their angry energy and rebalance their emotional state. However, it's not quite as simple as letting them talk - you need to actually listen to what the client is saying. And try to find the emotional truth to what they are telling you. Sometimes, what they think they are angry at isn't actually what is making them angry.
Acknowledge What The Client Is Concerned About
It may take some time for your client to get what's bothering them off of their chest, but once they finish, you should let them know that you've been listening. The best way to accomplish that feat is to acknowledge what they have been saying. You acknowledging their frustrations lets them know that you have been paying attention, and once they realize that, you will be able to start rebuilding your bond with them.
Relate Your Own Examples
The most honest acknowledgement only occurs when you are able to understand the client's anger. A way of showing acknowledgement that has been shown to work time and time again is to relate to their frustration by telling them a similar example from your own life. By putting yourself in the client's shoes, you let them know that everyone feels angry sometimes, but it's not the end of the world and we all need to move on and grow stronger.
Just Because You Understand, Doesn't Mean You Agree
One very important factor to remind yourself (and your client) is that by acknowledging your client's frustration, you're letting them know that you understand and believe their emotions (that is, their anger), while not giving them any validation for the behavior they are displaying. By doing this, you're also letting them know that the issue is how the client is choosing to display their concerns, rather than the concerns themselves.
Agree With Any Valid Points The Client Makes
Anger rarely rears its ugly head out of nowhere, so there very well might be some valid reasons for your client to be frustrated. Whenever you can, it's good to agree with and support any valid points that your client brings to light in their frustration. By agreeing with these valid concerns, it shows the client that you are reasonable, and any concern you have with their behavior might be reasonable as well.
Take Away Resistance To Their Argument
Another great benefit to agreeing with any valid points your client makes is that it takes away any resistance to their argument. When you agree with them, you let them know that it's not a fight - it's a conversation. This action will change you from being an opponent to their frustration to an ally.
Agreeing Still Doesn't Mean They're Right
That said, you still need to reiterate to you client that being in agreement with a few of their points does not constitute validation of their behavior. For example, if they were angry that the appointment time scheduled with your client ended before they could relieve themselves you might say, "I agree, it would be frustrating to not achieve physical gratification by the end of our session, but you are compensating me for my time, not necessarily your gratification, and you need to respect that."
Apologize If Their Concern Is Valid
If They Are Clearly Wrong, Apologize For Their Feelings
That said, if they are clearly in the wrong, do not say you are sorry for anything you did; instead, we suggest that the best approach would be to apologize for their feelings instead. As an example, by telling your client "I'm sorry this situation has upset you so much." you are still able to build an empathetic bridge with your client while still maintaining your lack of culpability with their anger.
Make Sure The Concern Is Clearly Stated
Sometimes it may seem that no matter how much you try to listen, the client's anger does not seem to be deescalating in any significant way. If this happens, there's always the possibility that they are simply not expressing themselves correctly. It could be the case that there is actually an incredibly easy solution to their frustration and that both of you could be back to having sexy fun wrestling with each other under the sheets, but due to their lack of coherence, you find yourself unable to help them. In order to avoid this situation, it's a good idea to ask the client for clarification whenever you don't fully understand what they are saying. Asking for clarification not only betters your understanding of the situation, it also reinforces the fact that you are listening to the client.
Re-word And Repeat
A useful tactic for helping your angry client express themselves clearly is to paraphrase what they are telling you and repeat it back to them. By letting them hear the same context in an semantically different way, it gives them the opportunity to reconsider what they are saying. It also allows you to see what parts of your statement they agree with - which brings you closer to deescalating the issue.
Keep Interruptions To A Minimum
Although having a dialogue with the client is important, if you need them to clarify their statements, do your best to keep interruptions to a minimum. Repeated interruptions will do the opposite affect, and make them feel like you're not listening to them at all.
Illustrate The Consequences Of Their Choices
If they still can't calm down, another technique for deescalating an angry client is to show them the choices they have available going forward, and the consequences of each choice. You should do this in a clear and understanding fashion, all the while encouraging the choice you would like them to make. For instance, you could tell your client, "regardless of how upset you are, you have two real options in front of you: you can continue being upset and we can end our session right now - or - you can put it on the back burner for now and we can take off our clothes and make each other feel better?" Chances are, no matter how angry they are, they still just want to have some sweaty fun with you.
Ask Questions That Veer Away From The Concerning Issue
Another tried and tested technique for deescalating a frustrated client is to ask them an unexpected question tangentially related to the issue. For instance, if they are concerned about the hotel room, ask them, "well, what was your favorite hotel room you've ever stayed in?" By asking an unexpected question you trigger other parts of their brain, which will oftentimes get the client to relax and take a more objective look at the way that they have been behaving. Once you get the client thinking about other things, it's much easier to get them back on track to having a sexy time.
Make Suggestions To Engage Other Activities
Discover More Resources On How To Transform Tense Situations Into Great Times
As you've just read, nobody is a fan of tension. Sure, it could lead to creating an environment that isn't comfortable to be in - but more than that, it's just not a fun situation to be in. As an escort, the main thing you want to be able to do for your client is to make them happy. They could be going through a lot in their job or personal life (which I'm sure they'll be willing to tell you about), and coming to you to get their mind off of that negative situation. But they're only human, and sometimes that negative attitude might carry over to your workplace. So if you want to fill up your toolbox with even more of the best techniques for deescalating an angry client, you would surely benefit from reading this informative article from Bustle on 10 Ways To De-Escalate An Argument If You're A Sensitive Person. We're sure that when you learn all you can about deescalating tense situations and clients, you're going to be well on your way to becoming a more profitable and preferred escort in your area.
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