Should I Uber Or Have A Driver As An Escort?
Should I Uber Or Have A Driver When Meeting Clients? To UBER, or not to UBER - if you happen to be an escort, that really is the question, isn't it? There are a lot of things to consider when you're
Should I Uber Or Have A Driver When Meeting Clients?

What Are The Upsides Of Hiring A Driver

Expect No Wait Times When You Hire A Private Driver
One of the best reasons to hire a driver to take you to you out call destination isn't so much the ride there, but the ride back - simply because you won't find yourself waiting for a lift home. When you hire a driver, you hire them for as long as you need them - which means they stay parked outside your destination (either on the street or in the parking area - be sure to arrange it with your client beforehand). So once you and your client are done getting sweaty in their bedroom, all you need to do is go out side and hop right back into the car! It's as simple as that. Think of it - never again will you find standing waiting outside of a condo building in the downtown quarter for up to 15 minutes, waiting for someone to drive up in their freshly vacuumed Honda Civic with a light-up sticker on their windshield. Or, worse yet, up to 30 minutes for a taxi to finally see you signalling them from across the street. Hiring a driver is definitely and advantage over ride-shares or taxis when it comes to promptness and wait times.Drivers Are Better For Your Escort Image
One of the things we at can't stress enough about this type of sex work is it's all about image. Clients aren't just hiring you to give them a sinfully good time, they are hiring you to fulfill their deepest sexual fantasies for the night - which means you need to create an image of class and sophistication that fits their fantasy. Which is exactly what hiring your own private chauffeur does - it creates a look of class. Not only is the client hiring an escort; the escort is essentially hiring an escort as well (although in a more literal sense). Which is very important for your bottom line as well, because the larger the fantasy image you create for yourself, the more you will be able to charge your clients. You just can't create the same kind of charming image for yourself in the client greets sees you stumbling out of a taxi or some college kids VolksWagon. It just can't be done. And that's why your clients will have no problem paying a little extra for your expense.Private Drivers Are More Dependable Than UBER
Let us know if this has ever happened to you: It's late. You've just finished with your engagements for the night, you're in an unfamiliar area of town, and all you want to do is go home - so you fire up UBER to figure out a ride. You see your UBER is only five minutes away - great, not that far. So you wait. And wait. And wait - five minutes have passed and there's still no UBER. What's going on? So you pull out your phone, look at the tracking app on your screen, and realize your UBER is now driving in circles 15 minutes away; but before you can even call them and complain, the driver cancels your ride! Sounds familiar, doesn't it? When you hire a private driver, you never have to worry about that situation occurring, because with a private driver you're not competing with any other passengers. The car you hire will always be there when you need them. As well most private drivers and chauffeur agencies are on call 24 hours a day.A Driver Can Add Extra Security
Perhaps the best advantage to hire a private driver over using UBER, is that a driver or chauffeur service can act as an extra security measure. Since your driver is required to wait for you, you will always have someone who knows where you are and is expecting you to return. And in most cases you'll be able to tell your driver how long you expect to be engaged beforehand, and ask them to call you if you don't return by that time. As well, you also have the potential to hire an actual security service to drive you around on your out calls for the night. This is actually what we at advise all escorts to do if it is economically possible for them to do so. Once again, this will certainly cost you a little extra - however, it is definitely worth the piece of mind and your safety.There Are Definite Upsides To Using UBER

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