When Should An Escort Report A Profile?
When Should An Escort Report A Profile? Since so much of the escorting business relies on the use of websites and profile sites like EscortRankings, it's always important to be able to spot the problematic accounts and profiles ahead of time and report them. At the end of the day,
When Should An Escort Report A Profile?
Abusive Online
This is a major red flag and can look at a number of ways, but ultimately they are a danger to other escorts and even other users on the site. It's all about getting profiles like hat one puff off these platforms sooner rather than later so that nobody has to deal with them in the future. If it's a profile you have encountered many times, don't hesitate to report them and make notes about other times you have come across the profile. Many times, the moderators of these sites do a great job of ensuring these accounts are removed. In some cases where someone is making new accounts all the time, email addresses or even entire IP addresses can be blocked from using a particular website. It's all about the capabilities of the website as well as just how crafty the person making all of the profile is.
Abusive In-Person
The worst thing that could possibly happen is that you accept and book with a client who turns out to be a nightmare in some way, shape or form. Hopefully after the encounter, you still have access to their profile and are able to report it, detailing whatever transpired. Much of these websites take those kinds of things pretty seriously and will ensure that nobody else in the future has to deal with that person. It's always nice to know that it's not something you'll have to deal with, but there are obviously lasting effects of things like that. It will then be up to you how you want to protect yourself going forward, but being able to report the profile of a person who behaved inappropriately in real life is one of the first steps. Go through all of the needed channels in order to report the profiles of people that have been abusive online but in-person as well. It's an important act that can help other escorts avoid having to deal with that person in the future, so that's something that you have to consider as well. Think of it like a public service to report profiles like this and go from there!
Sends Incessant Messages
Another annoying habit from prospective clients are profiles that message you incessantly. It might not seem like that big of a deal at first, but there are many ways it can ramp up into becoming very annoying very quickly. It might be in your best interest to take screenshots of all of the messages so that when you report the profile, you can use as evidence later on down the road if need be. You never know when you might need them to boost your complaint and add a bit of context. Generally, users that message incessantly in that way will never turn into a paying client. They are usually attempting to get some level of services for free, digitally, instead of following the rules and expected guidelines of the website. It's highly likely that they are looking to waste the time of sex workers on the platform, meaning their profiles should be reported immediately. Don't even engage with a user who is doing this, as it might just spur them to do it to more people. Use every tool you have at your disposal to report the account. You never know what you might accomplish.
Tries to Lowball You
Most escort websites have a section for you to put what your prices are, and anyone in your messages asking for a discount or price drop should be reported. No matter what that person asks, they are violating agreements of the business and they will likely try to go for as low of a price as possible. Reiterate your prices to this prospective client in hopes that they catch the hint, but if they are insistent about wanting a lower rate than what you have advertised, go ahead and report their account so that no future escorts have to deal with that particular person. It's always better to have those kinds of profiles reported and deleted so that nobody else has to deal with them. As always, it might be better to screenshot the interactions before reporting so that you have it on hand to use as proof later on down the line. They might reappear as another user, so having screenshots might assist in getting them further banned from the website without you having to do much else.
Fake Looking Profile
Profile Is Impersonating You or Someone Else
It might be strange but it's very possible to come across a profile and see your own face on it! As mentioned above, many websites do all kinds of verification to make sure that accounts are an accurate representation of the person who made it, but there are some that might slip through the cracks. If you see an account that looks like it is impersonating you or someone else that you know, that's the perfect reason to report the account and make sure that it is immediately suspended or deleted entirely from the platform. Since it's a case by case basis, it will be up to you to make these kinds of reports and make them quickly. You never know how many fake accounts are out there, but you can always do your part in making sure they get taken down without much fuss. This is something to seriously consider!
Leaves Unhelpful Reviews
This might fall into a bit of a grey area but overall it's all about a review that is pointless and reveals no useful information about the escort it's talking about. Reviews should be helpful tools that prospective clients are able to use to figure out what kind of things they want in an escort. They are there to help in picking the right woman for the job in as little time as possible, but sometimes clients just use it as a chance to ramble on and on about an escort, or sometimes about nothing at all. It is certainly in your best interest to report the profile, or report the comment at the very least if you have that ability to. This will ensure that the comment itself is deleted and their account may be suspended or prevented from making further comments on your profile. It's not always easy to keep tabs on everyone that is using a particular platform, but when escorts report the ones that make them uncomfortable or abuse the purpose of the website, it's recommended to report them and attempt to curb the behavior in that way.
Leaves Abusive Reviews
On websites like EscortRankings, reviews are the bread and butter of the site for the escorts on it. It allows clients to see what being with them would be like and allows them to get a better idea of whether or not they should book with them. While not everyone will have a good experience, it's always apparent when someone is being particularly hateful or abusive in the comments and reviews. Things like revealing personal information or making a threat are both great reasons to report someone's account based on a review that they left. Reviews are supposed to be informative and helpful to those who read them, and there are instances where reviews are neither of those things. This is important to keep in mind and know that you can contribute to it. As an escort, you don't have to accept online abuse due to your profession, so it's important that women understand that they have the ability to protect themselves and their reputations online. Don't hesitate to report such profiles to the website moderator or webmaster so that they can be suspended or, even better, deleted entirely.
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